Chapter 1

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I rushed into the office 15 minutes late. 

"Hi! hi! so sorry I'm late my alarm didn't go off." I said sheepishly When I met my boss in her office.

My job is as a creative assistant for the famous social media franchise, Socialhouse. The company is focused on having your thoughts and ideas expressed through images, and short videos. But, they have been struggling with demand. As of recently, Socialhouse has been losing customers due to people getting bored of the app and deactivating their accounts.

"Hey, Sabrina. It's all good. Are you ready for the presentation for the new campaign ready?" My boss said.

"Yep. Of course." I replied. Shit. I had completely forgotten. I had my first presentation set for today. I opened my bag and reached in for my laptop. I fished it out of its pouch and peeled back the lid.

"So sorry! This might take a minute." God this is so embarrassing! I can't believe my alarm failed me. 

"We don't have all day Sabrina." She pressed gently. 

My boss Jen works in upper management and is always extra busy dealing with all her employees. When I first started at Socialhouse however, she didn't have nearly as many people working under her and we had become rather close. We even built this routine where every morning when I get to work the first thing I do is meet her in her office where we chat for a few minutes before starting our workdays. And thank goodness for those minutes where I had time to set up the presentation.

"Okay, it's ready." I had worked long and hard over the past week to be able to present my idea to the rest of the marketing team and the company's owner. An idea that might actually be implemented into the company's strategies. This is my very first presentation since getting appointed last month and it's is a bit of a big deal.


I walked through the huge glass doors into the meeting room, Jen at my side. There looked to be about 10 or so full chairs lining the long table, and the owner of the company himself was sitting at the head. The butterflies in her stomach grew exponentially at the sight of him. He's such a big deal and people here talk about him all the time.

"Hi everyone I'm Sabrina. I just need a minute to get set up."

I walked over to the table and set down my laptop. I attached it to the projector's cord, took a deep breath in, and flung open the projector's window. 

"So as you all probably know I'm here to talk about my idea for the new campaign. Now, first of all, my idea is one that can be implemented into the actual formula of the company."

This is a big leap for me as I thought it might be overstretching to tell them that I think the formula of the company itself could be changed. I did just get promoted a month ago. But, I think they might like having fresh ideas for new directions to go into for their company.

"So, my idea is to shift the focus of sharing photos and videos, to being able to write down your own thoughts for the world to see. We can add a feature where you can write down anything you want from opinions to interesting facts. People will be able to write short quotes that will be funny or sad or inspirational or whatever they want. These thoughts will be attached to people's existing accounts. So, if you are following someone, you can see what they have to say. It's a fairly simple idea, but I think it can be highly effective and bring in lots of interest to the app. Thank you so much for listening." I finished.

I think it ran over rather smoothly. I had stumbled over a few words here and there but everything else was perfectly clear.

Everyone gave a polite round of applause before getting out of their seats to chat.

"Thank you that sounded great Sabrina. I wouldn't mind speaking with you in a few  moments." Mr. Johnson said. Holy shit. The Adam Johnson said my presentation sounded great. Which it did.

Jen approached me from the seat closest to me.

"You did so great Sabrina! That was amazing."

"Thanks, Jen! And thank you for helping me with all my questions."

"Oh my goodness! It was no problem Sab. This was all you."

"Well, thanks anyway!" I responded

I walked over to where Mr. Johnson still sat on his phone.

"Hey, you said you wanted to speak with me?" I asked politely.

He looked up from his phone.

"Right. Of course Sabrina. Your idea sounds amazing." He said.

He placed his phone in his pocket before standing up from his seat.

Holy hell. I never realized just how tall he was. I'm not even short, but he towers over me.

"I'd love to continue talking about it with you. I think we could find a way to possibly introduce this into Socialhouse soon." He continued

Oh. My. God. He really liked my idea. I can't believe it! And he specifically wants to work with me. I figured he would just throw me in a group if we even got this far. But this is ten times better than that.

"That sounds great! When are we going to start?" I asked.

The corners of his mouth turned up slightly.

"I'll have someone let you know." He said.

"Okay, thank you!" I said for what was probably the 50th time. But I didn't care. It was all I could think of to say to express how excited I am.

A/N: Thank you so much for reading! This is actually my first fanfic chapter ever! I really hope you liked it and the next chapter is coming soon! Also feel free to give pointers/tips in the comments or through messages.

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