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It's NaNoWriMo so be expecting more chapters. Sorry for not posting for a while. School has been so incredibly time consuming. 

Anyways I hope you enjoy and hopefully I will be Able to post more since thanksgiving and Christmas break are coming up. 


We made landfall that night by dinner the whole ship was abuzz with excitement. When we docked everyone rushed to get off the ship, I waited behind, calculating how many people would be on this island. How many did we save and how many of those did we not save? I came off the ship last, the crowd of people stopping to look at me. Then one by one they took a knee and bowed their head, some muttering thanks to the gods for me. They thought they were going to be greeted but their Queen, their savior, when there was no Queen here and no one who cared enough to save them.

Gale waited for me at the end of the dock, with his arm out to me but I ignored him. I knew they wanted me to say something to them, greet them, give them hope. If the people wanted a speech I would give them one. I walked slowly down the dock, my boots clomping against the wood. I continued walking, my face stone cold and my chin lifted, up to the the front of the group. Each person rose as I walked by.

I cleared my throat and the crowd was silent in anticipation, waiting for my grand plan.

I opened my mouth, "I'm abdicating the throne."

The words rang out through the group, the earth stopped moving for a moment. Murmurs ran through the crowd like wildfire, strangling every piece of hope with smoke. I could hear the whispers, 'there's no hope,' 'the gods have truly abandoned us,' 'they lied to us' and I didn't care about any of it. I never told anyone I would be their savior, they just expected it of me.

I stepped off the platform and started walking towards the building in the middle of the island. It was older, the walls made of concrete, it looked like a war bunker. The sun was fully set now and the stars were starting to shine in the sky. I refused to look at them, I hated them now.

Gale ran after me, "Emerson what are you doing?" He grabbed the back of my elbow. I yanked it away from him and whipped around quickly.

"I'm going to kill Rin." I opened the heavy door to the building and saw hundreds of people scrambling around the building. Children were huddled next to their parents and— I stopped myself from thinking about them and focused on the task in front of me. I couldn't afford to stop and help every person. I was going to kill Rin and everyone else could fix the world. I was done after this.

"You can't possibly be serious." His green eyes searching for some tell that I was joking, I was not.

"And why can't I?" I weaved my way through the series of hallways trying to find someone who looked in charge to tell them I was going to need a boat. I didn't allow myself to look at the people around, each one bowing their heads to me. I didn't deserved to be bowed for.

"Because he's probably the most well protected man on this planet right now and I don't think even you could kill him alone. You can't do this by yourself it's not possible."

"You don't know what I'm capable of." I screamed at him. We were in an empty hallway now, the lights over head flickering. It smelled dank, like the building hadn't been used in years.

"I know you Emerson and I know that—"

"No. You knew me." I let the anger in my slip, to show him a fraction of the person I was becoming. "You knew the person I was. Not the person I am now." I turned back around looking down the empty hallway. I waited a moment, and I could feel how badly he wanted to reach out and touch me but he didn't, and I didn't want him too.

King of SmokeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ