One Hell of a First Day

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Y/n had just reacted. There was no thought, there wasn't time for it. It was as if her body could sense the danger approaching. Maybe it was the vibrating of the floor, or sudden commotion just outside the door. By then, it would have been too late. She huddled close to the mother and young child sitting underneath the reception desk next to her. Her hand remained on it's cool surface, her reinforcement quirk combined with the cover were the only reason any of them had survived the sudden attack. The desk should have been smashed, broken into pieces, and they would have been crushed by the brute's weight. But it didn't.

The large, hulking figure that had crashed through the floor-to-ceiling windows, spraying glass in every direction, rose above them and let out some kind of angry roar. Whoever this was, and for whatever reason, they seemed to be in a state of complete rampage. She could hear him swinging his arms, splintering chairs and breaking more glass. Y/n's mind raced, trying to figure out how to sneak away without attracting attention from the attacking fiend. Her quirk really wouldn't hold out for another blow. She was surprised it held up, let alone that she was actually able to use her quirk at all. It'd been a long time.

They were lucky the shrill alarms and screaming outside helped cover the young child's cries as his mother attempted to hush him. Y/n could hear the villain destroying what sounded like the nearby wall, maybe an attempt to get into some of the lower offices with paperwork or hard drives? They'd never make the door, not like this.

"I've got you, just get them out!"

For just a brief moment y/n made eye-contact with pro-hero Red Riot as he vaulted himself over the reception desk they hid under.

"Hey, big boy, quit picking on the chairs," he taunted.

The villain responded with an angry roar and a table went flying across the room and through the glass windows. She could hear the unmistakable sound of a fight breaking out. From above, she could see the sidekicks launching themselves over the railing from the upper level and into the open reception area where the villain and Red Riot were duking it out. They were likely there to lend a hand with restraining the villain for the police.

The two women looked at each other and nodded, understanding exactly what was going to happen without needing any verbal explanation. Y/n held her hand tightly as they bolted from under the desk and towards the front door.

They booked it towards the door, y/n squeezing the woman's hand tightly as she tried to take the most direct route possible. The young woman struggled with the toddler and the slick tile floors. She slipped. A simple stumble that would have been of no consequence in any other situation, but y/n could see a sofa heading straight for them. Y/n tried to summon whatever bit of her quirk she could to reinforce her own body as she stood over the child and woman, braced for impact, but it never came. Instead Red Riot's shadow cast over them.

He'd caught the couch. Y/n could hear his body creak as he turned and flashed a smile at them

"I told you, I got you. Keep going. I'll make sure nothing happens."

His body was jagged and sharp like volcanic stone, even his eyes and hair taking on the same texture. His appearance should have been frightening. Despite the adrenaline pumping through her veins, y/n felt calm. Safe. It'd been a long time since she'd interacted with heroes like this.

Y/n nodded appreciatively, helping the woman rise as they finally made their last dash towards the door. Red Riot followed behind, ensuring none of the rubble would hit them. Once safely away, he returned to deal with the rampaging brute.

Maybe Bakugou was right. Working at a hero agency wouldn't be such a bad idea.


Red Riot and his sidekicks made quick work of the villain. Subduing and restraining him enough for police to handle. The villain had gone from a massive 15-foot-tall muscle-bound-brute, to a young man who was maybe half that height. Luckily, nobody was hurt. Quite the miracle, y/n thought, considering the destruction left in the villain's wake. Cars were strewn across the road, several signs and lamp posts were pulled up and launched into walls. The entire front lobby of the Red Riot Hero Agency had been completely destroyed and the furniture was lying in all directions. But, all those things could be replaced. That's what insurance was for.

Y/n watched as the paramedics examined the young mother and her child. Y/n leaned against the wall of the nearby building, coming down from the adrenaline that had been coursing through her veins. Her head was starting to pound, likely a side effect of overusing her quirk. She hadn't really used it since she'd been in the hero program back in UA a few years ago. Things hadn't exactly gone well for her. Y/n tried to pull herself from that train of thought, it never led anywhere good.

"That was AMAZING, y/n!"

Y/n jumped at the sudden interruption. It was Red Riot. For a 6'+ muscle-bound man with fire-truck red hair, he sure could sneak up on someone.

He looked at her sheepishly, "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you, but Bakugo never mentioned that you could reinforce other objects with your quirk! That's fantastic! And your reaction time? Incredible!"

Y/n rubbed her neck awkwardly, shifting her stance "Oh, he didn't? I mean, I don't normally use my quirk. It's been a really long time. I'm just glad it worked when it did. Could have been bad." Was the ground starting to tilt?

Red Riot groaned, shaking his head in an exasperated manner, "Talk about one hell of a first day. I told Bakugo I could give you a job, almost got you pulverized instead. He's gonna kill me when he finds out."

He paused for a moment, his tone suddenly softening, "Are you ok? Anything hurt? You don't have to be shy about it."

"No, no, I think I'm ok. My head hurts, but I'm pretty sure it's just from quirk overexertion," Y/n responded, shaking her head. Maybe that was a bad idea, head shaking made the world rock and tilt even more. Still. It wasn't anything major. She pressed further against the wall.

Red Riot watched her intently, clearly not too convinced, "Alright then, but you should sit down. You're looking a bit p-"

Perfect advice. Fantastic even. Though, the ground appeared to be approaching much quicker than y/n had anticipated. Through her rapidly darkening vision, she could see a panicked look flash across the pro-hero's face. She thought she'd feel the floor, but she didn't.

Light was suddenly in front of her. The ringing in her ears began to gradually fade and gave way to concerned voices. She blinked. The bright blue sky was directly in front of her now. As if she were on the floor.

On the floor.

Orrr If she had passed out.

"Miss. Miss, can you hear me? Move your fingers if you can hear me," a paramedic said urgently, directly beside her. Y/n groaned, rubbing her eyes. Her head was really pounding now. "Sorry, yeah, can hear you," she responded groggily.

The paramedics seemed relieved, and the somewhat tense atmosphere lifted.

"You passed out, miss. Lucky you were caught before hitting the floor. Your blood pressure is a bit low, we can start an IV and that should get you feeling better. Other than that, your vitals seem to be fine. But we can take you to the hospital to get you evaluated."

Y/n could only wince at the thought. Hospitals sounded terrible right now.

"It's jus' my quirk," She slurred, "head hurts. I'm fine, no hospital"

Y/n didn't even realize she was already loaded on the stretcher. Her long sleeve rolled up as they began to insert the IV. She could see the massive scars that covered most of her exposed forearm. Ugly, warped things that left her with angry, raised, red skin despite the injury occurring years ago. Y/n looked away. She could see Red Riot clearly concerned, but from a respectable distance. Allowing the paramedics to do their job presumably. She smiled and waved in an attempt to reassure him that she was fine. He visibly relaxed at the gesture, offering a double thumbs-up in response.

She couldn't help but laugh at the sight.

Red Riot was originally just the friend of a friend, but as of yesterday, he was now her boss. And he was stuck with her, at least for now.

Reinforcement - We're not all unbreakable (Kirishima x Reader(Y/n))Where stories live. Discover now