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A/N I don't know how an American school system works so I'm so sorry if I'm wrong

Leah's pov

I took a breath as I finally got my last box into my dorm. God, that was exhausting, they really should fix the elevator. I decided to take a 10 minute break before starting to unpack.

This is it. College. I really hoped I would feel something. Excited? Nervous? Stressed? Anything would work. But those emotions always came in bursts, and that too at the worst times ever.

I plopped my body onto the mattress before I went on my phone and scrolled for a bit. I checked my messages and replied to a few quickly. I wasn't popular but I wasn't not popular either. Did that make sense? It's not like I was mega popular or whatever but I also wasn't a loner. I kinda just floated on the outskirts of popularity back then.

I started to get up and unpack after putting some music on. It was a random playlist of songs I could work to. Immediately, Lana del rays 'Brooklyn baby' started playing.
"Ya my boyfriend's pretty cool but he's not as cool as me, cause I'm a Brooklyn baby. Yeah I'm a Brooklyn baby" I murmured along to the song. Coincidentally (or maybe not coincidentally at all) I was a Brooklyn baby. Born and raised there by my two wonderful moms. Getting into UCLA has been my dream since... well forever, but I was still pretty sad to leave my hometown behind. I think that's what happens in life though, you have to let go sometimes and as much as I love the neighbourhood I grew up in I had to move on.

Songs came and went in a blur and so did time. Before I could register it, half the boxes were unpacked.

Just as I was about to turn the music off and go to sleep I felt a knock on my door. I was slightly confused as to who it could be since I only knew one person who was also going to UCLA, that being my best friend Alison who isn't gonna be here until tomorrow. Maybe she caught an earlier flight she would've told me. Regardless I went to check the door just in case it was someone important.

I opened the door to one? I walked out of my room to see if there was someone there but I didn't find anyone. That was weird. Guess it was a prank...or whatever. Just as I was heading back inside I say a post-it taped to my door. Ok I guess.

Please keep your music down. Some of us have work to do.

I already had a bad history with the name Alex. You see there was this boy that came to the summer camp I went to every year since I was 5 in Brooklyn. He was the most annoying piece of shit ever. He somehow charmed everyone into believing he was this 'nice guy' but oh no TRUST ME that was far from the truth. I was somehow the only person who saw past his shenanigans into his true form. The devil.

All that set aside (including the passive aggressiveness in the note), I prided myself on being a nice person so u decided maybe I would apologise to my neighbour for the next four years. You know.

I walked upto Alex's door and knocked. I didn't hear a reply so I knocked again.

After being thoroughly annoyed with this routine I decided whatever. Fuck being a nice person because if HE couldn't even answer his goddamn door then I wasn't gonna apologise. simple.

I woke up the next day not to my blaring alarm but to someone trying to kick my door down. Today was my first actual collage day and I only had one class. Theatre. (A/N help is that even a class T-T)

This entire dorm was theatre majors and the best part is that me and Alison managed to secure dorms on the same floor.

I quickly showered and put on the outfit I planned last night. And hey, I know it's loud but I had to make a good impression you know.

I went out of my dorm and locked the door to find Ali standing in the corridor waiting for me

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I went out of my dorm and locked the door to find Ali standing in the corridor waiting for me.

"Hey babe" Ali said.
"Hiii Ali" I answered.

Our conversation flowed naturally and so began our journey stumbling through the corridors trying to find the auditorium.

After 15 mins of wandering the literal endless halls of UCLA we finally found the auditorium just in time to see everyone sprawled on the floor of the stage carefully listening to who I could only assume was our theatre teacher. Everyone turned to look at us as we entered. And I'm not talking about the movie scene where the fmc enters the room and everyone turns to her with awe and wonder. I'm talking the scenario I'm sure you all have witnessed where everyone turns to look at you with judgemental stares and critising glances.

Ms Ruby put on a show of looking at her watch before turning back to us with a look of question. I also sensed a hint of amusement on her face but it was hard to tell from so far away. 

"And to what do I owe this...15 minute late- pleasure?"

You see I had maybe like a...teensy... small totally small bit of well social anxiety. Lucky for me, Ali had enough confidence for the both of us.

"We get lost trying to find the auditorium ma'am" Ali said. My lord and saviour.

"Okay well, take a seat" Miss Ruby said.

We quickly shuffled down the stairs, through the auditorium, up the stage stairs and sat down at the back. Totally subtle like no one even noticed the 1 and a half times I fell on the way. Totally.

"We were just getting on with the freshman introductions- would either of you want to?" her voice wasn't judgemental like I feared but held this sort of acceptance but also a demand for respect in it. It was surprisingly pleasant.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2022 ⏰

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