Chapter 1: A Tight Squeeze

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"So, this is it?" asked Boris, "this is the Playtime Factory?" Bendy, Boris and Alice all stood outside the factory, and it was an old factory that looked like it had not been used for years. "Yep," said Bendy, "What was once the most popular toy factory in the world, is now a place of broken dreams." "Kind of like the old studio of He-who-must-not-be-named," said Alice, as everyone shook at the memory. They entered, and looked around.

"Not bad," said Boris, "Seems like a normal place you'd find

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"Not bad," said Boris, "Seems like a normal place you'd find." They looked around, and saw posters of the toys all around. "What's this?" asked Alice. She put in the VHS tape, and watched the screen.


"Okay, so that was a waste of time," said Boris. He then looked around the next room, and saw broken toys, and a working train. "How is the train still working?" "I don't know," said Alice. Bendy meanwhile, was trying to work a color code. BEEP! "Dang it." BEEP! "DANG it." BEEP! "DANG IT!" BEEP! "I HATE THIS STUPID THING!!!!"He then smashed the thing, and the door went, DING! and opened up. He looked around, and saw another tape. He put it in.


Bendy looked inside the vent, and said, "Wow, cool!! Guys, check it out!!" Bendy had the grab pack on, and Alice said, "Bendy, we're here to find the lost people, not play with toys." "This is actually a worker's tool. Watch this!" Bendy then fired the hand, and it smacked Boris into the wall. "Sorry!!" he said. They then walked through, and saw a door. Bendy then shot the hand at the hand print at the top. It opened the door. "Toy, huh?" Alice rolled her eyes, and the trio walked into the next room. "That's not terrifying at all," said Boris. In the room, was a giant statue of what looked like a famous toy made at Playtime.

"Huh, that's Huggy Wuggy," said Bendy, "I believe he was the most popular toy of this company, they made him the mascot

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"Huh, that's Huggy Wuggy," said Bendy, "I believe he was the most popular toy of this company, they made him the mascot." Alice went up to the board, and read, "Well, it says here, 'Playtime Co has designed hundreds of distinct toys, but none more connected with people, than Huggy Wuggy. Our founder, Elliot Ludvig, aimed to create a toy that could hug you forever. As always true, Playtime Co.'s 4-step process to make the most life like toys a success. With a bit of string and polyester, our lovable pal Huggy was brought to life. Huggy Wuggy has gone on to become Playtime's most popular toy.' Huh, that's interesting." Bendy then looked at the door, and shot the hand, only for something to go wrong. "It's locked." Just then, a jiggle was heard, and they saw Huggy with a key. "Was that always there?" asked Boris. "No, it was just there suddenly," said Alice. Bendy used the grabber pack to get it. 

Bendy in Poppy PlaytimeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora