Chapter one: where it all starts~

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*It was a foggy morning and Alberto was feeling ill, he had woken up on the doc he had fished on with Massimo years ago.. he heard a voice call to him*
"Fratello!!" It was Guilia calling him.

*he flinched and held his legs, he still didn't like Guilia, after many years he still had that hatred for her.*

"What do you want Guilia!!" He sneered back.

"Papa wants you to take me out on the boat" she said with a slightly annoyed voice.

*he sighed and rolled his eyes as he stood up* "fine whatever"

"well isn't that a good boy" she said with a smirk.

*He grumbled and got in the boat, untying the knot that was keeping the boat close to the doc*

"Alright get in" he said with a sigh

*Guilia got in the boat and sat down*
"Alright fratello!! Let's get going" she said excitingly

*he started the boat and they began to head off into the sea*

"Guilia, why are we out here?.." he asked questioning why Massimo would have sent them out there.

*Guilia looked at him awkwardly, she rubbed the back of her neck*

"well.. I'll tell you just take us to that old lighthouse Luca told me about"

*he tensed up* "luca- wait where's Luca?!" He said worryingly.

"Chill out, he's at the house with Massimo" she said.

"O-Oh alright" he said as he relaxed his body and drove the boat all the way to the old lighthouse he and Luca used to have the best times in.

*Guilia hopped out of the boat and waited for Alberto to shut off the boat and get out, once he had she sat down*

"Are we not gonna go into the lighthouse?..." he said questioning.

"Alberto- I- I have a crush on Luca"she said blushing.

*Albertos heart dropped, everything he could of not wanted to happen was happening*

"No" he replied "Luca doesn't like you- he's-he's mine"

"Wait d-do you like luca...?"

"No, we'll.. yes...-"

*Giulia cuts him off* "but alberto, boys can't like boys-? I mean what if luca hears about this? Won't he be disappointed?"

"Shut up..." *alberto mumbles*

"What did you say-"

"I SAID SHUT UP!!" Alberto finally snapped and scratches Giulia with his claws even when he's not in his seamonster form, he completely snapped.

"AGH!! Alberto let's talk about this-!"


"W-wait alber-"

And then snapped, alberto pulled her hair and water splashed over top of them from the sea underneath the boat, he got so angered he bit deep into her neck, breaking her cervical spinal cord, almost severing her head, he looked down with absolute fury and he ripped her head off.

And then he realized what he has done"Oh no....what have I no no no NO!!.....luca's gonna hate me, he's gonna hate me, I'll lose everyone, I'll lose everything, I'll lose him-! No..he mustn't know about all of this....I have to hide her on the tower..."

*he grabs Giulia's body and head to hide it on the tower, inside the tower he found a piece of sheets that wasn't used anymore and he hid the body there along with -Her head, he swims back to the house to clean up since the blood is hard to get out, after he finally arrived at the shore, he drop on his knees and tears falling down his cheeks, suddenly a figure came up to him, it was Luca and he was panicking but all Alberto could do is sit there shaking on his knees, tears streaming down his face*

"Alberto..Alberto who's blood is that? Are you alright?.."

"Luca don't touch me"


"Everyone's gonna hate me, your gonna hate me, everything's gonna be gone, gone, GONE" he
shouted, his body shaking with fear.

"Alberto your scaring me what happened?!"

"She's dead, she got too close to you and now she's dead." He kept repeating.

"What do you mean she's dead? What happened? Talk to me alberto!"

"I'm sorry luca, I've loved you too much I can't control it, it's too much for me please just go before I change my mind"


"Just go!"

"Alberto, I'm not going to leave you! Just please, tell me what happened !"


"I've heard that before...Alberto.."

"You aren't safe with me! Im-im..I feel like I'm losing m-..I-"

"Hey..S-Silencio, Bruno, right?"

(End of chapter 1, I hope you enjoyed!!, this is our first book we have ever written!!)

(End of chapter 1, I hope you enjoyed!!, this is our first book we have ever written!!)

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( art by @shae_.arts_ on Instagram)

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