Chapter four: a fragile being~

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*luca falls asleep soon after, the fading memories of their childhood play in his head as the night sky glistens*

*early the next morning luca wakes up to Albertos figure standing beside him, staring at him*

"AGH- what the hell!! You said you wouldn't watch me!!"

"I couldn't help it, your so cute when you sleep"

"Your an actual creep you know that?!"

*Alberto laughs and hands luca a plate filled with fruits and seamonster delicacies*

"It's quite early, but I want you to eat this"

"Wha- berto you got all my favourite-" Luca cuts himself off.

He thinks for a moment. "why would I care if he got my favourite food? He's a psychopath!" He thought.

"I'm not hungry" he replied.

*luca shoves the plate away*

"Eat the food bubbles, I don't want you to starve"

"I don't care what you want"

"Cmon Luca just Eat it"

"I- I don't want to!!"

"Hey hey calm down there bubbles, you're still hurt you know...oh! If you don't want to eat how about I feed you? You don't have to lift a single finger, yeah?"

"What?! No! I don't want you to feed me! I'm too old for that."

"Well you don't have a choice dear, you don't wanna eat so Ill just have to feed you myself"
Alberto started to delicately pick up the food and hand fed Luca, like a fragile creature, after a few bites Luca felt full.

"I'm done berto, I'm already can eat the rest if you want, And don't think that if you feed me I will forgive you that easily"

"Alright whatever you say bubbles, we're going outside after this and I'll carry you okay?"

Luca just looked away without saying anything.

"... why are we going outside berto.."

"I'll tell you after bubbles"

*alberto lifted him like a baby, a fragile soul, he climbed down the lighthouse, being as careful as he could*

*luca looked away, his face as red as a tomato*

"So are you going to tell me why we are outside or not.." Luca said shyly.

*alberto sat down, still holding luca*

"Well.." Alberto said with a pause.

"Well..?" Luca replied, questioning his answer.

Alberto stayed silent for a while then started to talk.
"I just thought you would be bored inside with your know"

Luca stares at alberto for a long time.
"So I just want you to take in some fresh air and-"
Alberto finally noticed that luca was staring at him while he was talking.

"Uhm..luca? Are you okay?" Alberto said nudging him.

Then luca snapped back to reality.

"Huh? What? What were you saying berto?"

Alberto just laughed a little and said
"Oh bubbles, were you staring at me? You're so cute you know that?"

Lucas face became as red as tomato again, he looked like he was about to explode any second now.

"Luca your face is red- are you okay,
?! are you feeling sick"

*he put his hand on Lucas cheek, a glimpse of worry in his eyes*

"I'm- im okay!"
*he pushed Albertos hand away*

"Alright alright calm down.." Alberto sighed

"Can we just go inside now.."
*Luca covered his face with his hands, still blushing*

"O-oh! Alright then, I guess you're feeling a little bit sick huh? I guess I can't let you visit your parents today well c'mon let's go inside-"

Luca cuts him off "w-wait, what did you say? Were going to visit my parents?! Can we?!" Luca excitedly jumps while sitting in alberto's arms, he ended up hurting his legs.

"Careful're leg isn't fully healed yet and no you're feeling sick so I have to take you inside the tower to warm you up"

Luca shockingly grabs alberto's shoulder all of a sudden, that makes alberto blush
"No no please! I wanna visit my parents and I'm not sick at all! It's just the breeze out here so please can we go, I promise I won't tell them you did anything!"

"L-luca i- but your legs.."

"Please said you would do anything for me right?, I'll tell them I got into a accident"

then alberto picked him up and walked towards the tower.

"Alright fine but first we need something to cover your wound so it doesn't get wet"
He carried Luca inside, and alberto set Luca down then found a piece of plastic that could cover the bandage around his wounds.

(Authors note: end of book one!!, I hope you enjoyed it, the last chapter and this one will be getting updated with new art!!, it's delayed for personal reasons, me and the other writer will be working on book two, we don't have a exact date, but hopefully soon. have a good day/night!! Everyone, we would love to hear your feedback )

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