Chapter 3

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It's Monday morning and I do not feel great at all. I'm really nauseous and I'm having really bad abdominal cramps and lower back pain. At first I thought it's my period but I realised the timing isn't right and I don't have nausea or back pain on my period.

I finally mustered up the energy to get up from bed. Bernardo already left because he had a meeting to get to and had to leave early. The time is 07:58 right now. I'd usually get up later but I think I need to go to the hospital.

I managed to take a shower and get dressed in sweatpants, a sweatshirt and sneakers.

By now my symptoms have intensified. I was walking out of he closet, with intensions of going downstairs to get one of the guards to take me to the hospital.

I grabbed my phone from on top of the bed and started slowly walking towards the door, hunched over in pain.

I felt something wet running down my legs, I stopped walking and looked down. I was shocked. I was bleeding. It was a lot of blood because I bled through my sweatpants. I could feel that something was terribly wrong.

I decided to speed dial Bernardo because it seems getting downstairs would be a mission and I was losing energy.

On the second ring he picked up the phones.


He must have heard the panic in my voice because his tone was dripping with worry.

"Skye, are you okay. What's going on"

I started feeling dizzy and my vision got blurry. I tried blinking to clear it up.

"I'm don't feel good. I'm bleeding and I need the hospital. I'm dizzy". I said in a faint voice.

"Shit. Gio, call Anthony and tell him to take Skye to the hospital right now. Tell him she should be in our room. Hurry up!"

I heard his shout to Gio. I then heard what sounded like running on the other end of the line.

"Skye, stay on the line okay. I'm on my way, Anthony is coming to you right now"

"Berna...." Just as I was about to say something I lost control of my body. I felt myself drop the phone and fall to the ground. Before I lost consciousness, I heard Bernardo call for me on the phone and the bedroom door opening. Everything went black.


I'm panicking right now because Skye isn't responding to me and I heard a thud on her side of the line.

"Boss, she passed out. Ricky is carrying her and we're taking her to the hospital."

I heard Anthony say to me on her phone. I guess he heard me shout out to her when she dropped her phone.

Gio and I Ieft the meeting. We had taken 2 Range Rovers on our way here. One with the both of us and 2 other men. And the other one had 4 men.

Everyone rushed into the cars and we sped to the hospital.

Gio told Anthony to take Skye to St. Mary's Hospital, which is the closest to our house.

I am a bundle of nerves right now but I can't let it show in front of my men. A million and one things were running through my mind. I wondered what's going on and if my wife is going to be okay.

As all these thoughts were running through my head, I was twirling my black titanium wedding ring.

The way to the hospital felt like it took a million years but when we finally arrived, I jumped out of the car with Gio and 2 of my men following me.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2023 ⏰

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