Chapter 1: the first part

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 DRAFT UNFINISHED 1: chapter 1 (run through Grammarly)

Bailey POV:

"There. Finally done" My cursor hovers over the submit button. I raised my final test/assignment for this week. I wish I could've finished things sooner, but [it came down to the knife of the house (whatever that phrase is)]. I grabbed my packed weekend bag and threw it over my shoulder. I think I remembered pyjamas? Whatever. I'm heading home for the Halloween weekend- I wanted to spend as much time of it as possible with my family. Things like pumpkin carving, decorating, costume making, candy buying, + whatever else you do. That would be if it wasn't for my last-minute art history assignment. Ugh. Damn you, Mr. Schenider.

Regardless, I'm headed out now. Grabbing my keys from the [thing people hang keys on near the door that usually has a little mirror made of dark wood], I beep on my car and hop in the driver's seat. I love this thing. Putting my bag down on the passenger seat next to me, I turn on the emission and start the car. My parents were kind enough to give me our family car when I left for the university as a going away gift. An insane present, but we have two, and my parents were apprehensive about me being taken care of when I went away. I'm paying for my own housing and most of my tuition, and since I work, study, and live without them- they insisted on giving me something to get around in at least. After their insistence, I gratefully accepted. That's how I ended up with a family car at 19, haha. A little weird to drive around campus in but, whatever. I know the way home decently well by now, having driven it a few times. Since it's only my second year, I've only needed to go home a couple of times, and some of them, my parents insisted on picking me up to help bring things home. Anyway, I'm on my way now and don't really feel like I need the GPS. Plus, my phone is running low on battery, and I haven't bought one of those car chargers yet- I know, I know, terrible, terrible but true. So, in any case, I don't want to drain it just yet. The car is okay for gas and should get me home. If not, then almost in which case when it runs low, I'll head to a gas station asap. Yeah, that should be fine. I focus my brain on the road ahead of me- and prepare for the journey ahead.

Corey POV:

Beep boop. My alarm goes off, waking me up. I hate everything. I was up late last night studying since I knew I wouldn't be able to tonight. I hit the stop button, lighting up my phone screen and turn off the incessant beeping/blaring/noise. It's already late afternoon / early evening, and I feel dead inside. I first drag myself out of bed, then touch up the makeup I fell asleep in, making sure to add a more dramatic eyeliner in the spirit of Halloween. Since I'm heading to a party, I need a costume. I set aside [outfit] [x time ago], so I decided to throw that on as planned. Nothing is much excitement in my life as of late, so I'm happy to go as a slutty [costume] and call it a night. I'll probably crash at a friend's place tonight after the party anyway- who knows where I'll be, so I'm throwing a toothbrush and clean shirt into my bag in case. Let's be honest though, I probably won't be sober enough to remember them. I'm going to add some Advil since that will help with the headache I'll definitely have this time tomorrow. Idk what happened. I was partying and studying pretty equally for a while in year two. Since the beginning of year 3 uni a couple of months ago, things have just been so chaotic and weird. I've gotten into this peculiar, unhealthy rhythm of chaos, and somehow my grades haven't suffered much. I'm studying psychology to maybe one day become a therapist, but honestly, I probably need therapy myself. Most of us do. Once I'm ready and dressed in my [costume], I zip up my little black bat backpack. After ensuring I have everything for the night (including a warm thick black winter jacket to wear overtop of the costume until I get there. I live in Canada, so you're fucked if you don't do that. Especially with my lack of clothes going on. I head out, locking the door behind me. Securing my small backpack behind me, I'm ready for anything.

Bailey POV:

Ugh, what the fuck. Where even am I? Once I actually got onto the roads, traffic was terrible, and I immediately got off asap. I'm still near the campus area and had to figure out some sort of detour. I saw the wide paved entrance to a forest, clearly for cars to drive in welcoming me. Having no better option, since It was in the correct direction anyway- I proceeded inward. I follow down the long seeming path in the roads/woods. The further I drive, the denser it gets. Eventually, the paved road is replaced by a dirt terrain, padded down over time. It gets harder to see with the tall trees crowding my vision overhead. ?????////////?///// I'm not sure what just happened, but it's like I blacked out for a second and all of a sudden, I'm in a different part of the forest. Now, the trees all look a little different, but I keep going. It feels like I've been driving forever now. It was afternoon when I left, so even tho my sense of time is shitty- it'll be getting close to dark before long. It doesn't usually take longer than two hours, max. To get home, I should at very least be out of this weird infinite forest by now. I wish I'd never taken this stupid route. Even traffic I'd be out of by now. How have I never run in here before? Weird. 

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