The beginning.

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Carlos, Michelle, Ethan, and Veronica sat around a campfire as they could hear the barbeque sizzling. "We should go inside soon." Spoke Veronica. "Calm down V, its only 7 we don't have to go in till 9." Said Carlos. "Okay, but I'm going inside. Make sure to come inside soon." Veronica always wanted to go in early, none of them knew why though. Carlos, Michelle, Ethan, and Veronica were all 17 year old's always wanting to hang out.

Obviously, they didn't know what was to come later that night.

Finally, after an hour; they all came inside and started to go to rest. "Goodnight babe" Michelle whispered to Carlos before falling into a slumber. Carlos soon fell asleep after that. Suddenly, Carlos woke up in a fright after having a terrible nightmare. He looked around and felt safe after seeing his girlfriend, Michelle; still next to him.

Carlos decided to go back to sleep, thinking he needed to rest for the big exam on Tuesday. He went back to sleep and woke up in a dark, empty, cold, freezing room with only a fireplace lit up, Michelle, Ethan, and Veronica all still asleep on the cold ground. 'Where the fuck are we?' Carlos thought.

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