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Third Person POV
It had all started out with small things, stuff that she could easily pass off and take Adrien's advice of 'Taking the high road'.

First, they rearranged seats, again, her ending up in the back, alone, of course, as Lila got to sit next to Adrien. But she had calmly taken a deep breath and pushed it away, Lila was fine sitting up front, no harm done.

Then, Lila started making promises, that ended up falling through, leaving her to pick up the pieces.


"Hey Mari, Lila's famous chef friend can't make it, do you think you could make the snacks for us?"


"Lila accidentally sprained her wrist yesterday trying to help rescue a kitten in a tree, so now she can't help us with the fundraiser. Do you think you can help out instead?"


"Hey Marinette, Lila's movie costume designer buddy got sick and won't be able to help us out. Do you think you can go back to doing the costumes?"

That last one ended up leaving her with less than 48 hours to work on 7 different costumes. Let's just say she was exhausted for 2 weeks afterwards.

As things continued, Marinette tried to just avoid Lila altogether. Anything she was invited to, Marinette skipped it.

After all, it made it easier for her to not call Lila out, if she didn't have to hear Lila's lies.

So it wasn't until about a month ago that things really started to get out of hand...

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Marinette's POV

The day had started out rough already. I had awoken to Tikki yelling at me to get up, cause both her and me slept through my alarm.

I had stayed up the night prior, finishing up the scarf I had made for Adrien. It was a black scarf that had a yellow, green, and purple stripe near the end. Then, embroidered on the end in green letters were the words, 'I'll love you no matter what'.

You see Adrien and I had previously grown really close to each other. Especially after accidentally revealing to each other that I was Ladybug and he was Chat Noir.

We had gotten so close that last week when Adrien had asked if he could tell me secret and made me promise not to tell anyone, especially his father, I had swore an oath.

He then nervously explained to me that he had most recently figured out that he was gay, and how he realized that his so called 'crush' on Ladybug, or rather me, was more out of admiration instead of actual romantic feelings.

I obviously hugged him tight and firmly reassured him, that this didn't change anything. He was still my best friend and still my partner in crime.

Was I sad knowing that he didn't return my feelings, slightly, but my crush on him had pretty much vanished recently, and as long as he was happy, so was I.

That's why I had been finishing up this scarf for him. That way he would know that I still loved him for him.

Anyways, I had quickly thrown on my clothes, grabbed my backpack and Adrien's neatly wrapped gift. Before running downstairs to the kitchen, where I snagged a few cookies that had been made 2 nights ago, slipped them in my side-purse for Tikki, before booking it to school at incredible speeds.

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