Just keep swimming

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As I hit the water I felt my body come alive. As I broke the surface of the water started to swim I thought to myself just keep swimming. ever since I saw Finding Nemo this had become my life motto, as I got closer to the wall I went into a tumble turn and pushed off. When I broke the surface I bumped into something or should I say someone. the person stood up and started to rant about how "irresponsible teens are these days". So I did the only thing I could think of, I walked round the slightly round man and just kept swimming.
At the end of my training session I got out the pool and headed to the changing rooms. I had roughly about twenty minutes to get changed and get to school so as usual I rushed the getting changed part and dried my hair on a hurry and ran the short way to school.
Like most people I didn't like school but not for the reasons you might think, I was popular enough and had good grades. I had also never really been bullied, I hated school because it took away from swimming. I was an Olympic hopeful and needed all the practice I could get hence the swimming before school, but I also had to go to school since I was only 16 this meant swimming early and late whilst still getting all my homework finished on time.
As I reached locker my best friend Lizzy walked up to me and started to tell me all about the latest Anime she watched, as she was talking I got my books and turned to go toy first class which I share with Lizzy so as we walked down the corridor I patiently waited for her to finish when she suddenly stopped.

This is my first attempt at a story it does get better I promise. Please tell me what you think.

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