Entry 3 - My Cure

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It was 5:00 AM and I woke up. I heard knocking. I got up from my bed and opened the door. It was a member of the medical department member. He asked me how I made the cure. I told him I would not tell him. He pulled a gun on me. I could not take this. I punched him in the face. I watched the blood fly out of his mouth. It landed on my bed sheet. I took the gun out of his hands. Why do you need to know the cure? I asked him. He said he was infected. Fine then take this dose. I gave him the dose. Drink it in front of me I told him. He took a sip and fell to the floor. A Crystal grew out of him. Seems your not actually infected. I told him. Every single Crystal that grew a new hole that there was in his body. It was just a bloody mess on the floor. The ingredients for the cure is really simple. Liquid from the inside of the Crystal and milk. That's why if you aren't infected already the Crystal infects you. If you are infected it's kinda dead so it doesn't do much. I picked up his body and threw it in the dumpster. I walked to the class D area. I took 3 members. I then brought the, to SCP 409s cell. I told them all to touch it. Then I put them in a quarantine room and watched them. I was keeping track of the time it took for them to die. It took 3 hours for them to die. I wrote that down in my note book. I heard gun fire outside. I looked out. It was class D members escaping. I saw Peter. I told the members that I knew where they could leave. I put all of them but Peter in a room. I locked the door. I told peter that I will only let him escape. I showed peter the exit and he left.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2021 ⏰

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