1. Hogwarts

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     Y/N POV

  I woke up to the excited squealing of my mother. I opened my eyes to see what she was making all the noise for. When I opened my eyes to see her holding a letter, waving it around the room. I sat up and pulled the covers over my body, placing my feet on the ground and rubbing my eyes I looked up at my mother.

  "What's the letter for?" I asked my mother. She just smiled at me and handed me the letter. I took the letter from her hands and looked down at it. My eyes widened when I realized that I was holding a Hogwarts acceptance letter. I screeched in excitement while my mother covered her ears and chuckled at my antics.
   I jumped up off my bed and hugged my mother tightly. She smiled down at me and hugged me back. I looked up at her and said "I can't wait to learn more about potions.". She smiled and we let go of the hug. She pat my head and told me to get ready for the day.

Authors note: this chapter is purely to set the scene of this story. I will also post at least once a week due to school and my personal life but I will try to make each chapter a decent length! Also, some things in this might be from both the book and movie so please be aware of that while reading!

Have a great day/night! <3

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