1. The Smickle Smockle

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• Read the description first •
• Dialogues will be bold •

Let's begin with the story

Anna had a birthday & her Aunt Jane gave her a lovely box of plasticine.
Anna was pleased.
She showed the plasticine to her other toys.

"It looks just like coloured sticks, but I can make it into marvellous things. You just watch me!"

She took a stick of red plasticine into her hands & warmed it. Then she began to squeeze it & work it about until she made it into a round ball.
She rolled it across the playroom floor.

"There!" "I have made it into a ball!" "Now watch & see what I'll make the next stick of plasticine into!"

She took a yellow piece & began to work that about in her hands, too.
She squeezed it quite flat then turned up the sides & smoothed them nicely.

"I'm making a cup to drink from." she said to the curly haired doll.

"I've just got to make a little handle for it, then it will be finished."

"Look --- Don't you think it looks pretty?"

It really was a sweet little cup. It even held water.
The toys watched Anna with great interest.
A twinkle came into the monkey's eyes.
He thought it would be fun to do a little work with the plasticine that night, he would make something marvellous!
Oh, yes -- The Monkey always thought he could do wonders!

So that night, when Anna was fast asleep in bed,The Monkey took the box of plasticine from the toy box & opened it.

He looked at it with his head on one side & thought hard.
What should he make?

The toys gathered round him to see what he was doing.

"Make a ball,please," Said the pink rabbit, looking at the monkey with large glass eyes. "Then we can all have fun playing it."

Now the pink rabbit was a timid little thing, and the Monkey was fond of teasing him.

"No, I'll make a tiger that will chase you!" He said

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"No, I'll make a tiger that will chase you!" He said. The rabbit squealed.

"Then I'll make a red fox with a long bushy tail, & eyes that go like this!" Said Monkey, making his eyes big, & glaring at the rabbit.

"Oh, don't like like that," Said the rabbit, backing away.
"Don't! You're really frightening me. Don't make a fox. I really am terribly afraid of them."

"Well, I'll make an owl, a big hooting owl," Said Monkey, enjoying himself.
"One with great claws that can hold rabbits, and a voice that goes 'Ooo-ooo-ooo-OOOO!' "

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2021 ⏰

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