Aleksi's long lost sister

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Aleksi's pov

Me and the rest of the band walked in to our favorite bar after a day in the studio. We walked straight up to the bar to get drinks. When we were standing there I could here a voice the sounded familiar so I turned to the woman standing next to me and tapps her on the shoulder. She turns to me and ...

We just look at each other for a minute

Ellie oletko se sinä? (Ellie is that you?) I say.

Leksi veli se olen minä (Leksi baby brother it is me) english please me finnish is rusty she says.

I just make an angry face and walk to a table were the boys already were sitting. She walked after me.

Aleksi please l was young when I left, we haven't talked for years an this how you act? she says. 

I don't know what to say, you could have contacted me when you got back so we didn't have to meet like this I say.

She just looks at me Sorry!

Who are these guys with you? she asks me.

My band we are called Blind Channel I say.

That is Niko I say pointing at Niko, he just waves.

That is Joel I say and point at Joel, he smiles and says hello.

That is Joonas I say nodding at Joonas, he just laughs and says nice to meet you. 

And the last two are Olli and Tommi I say, they just smile.

She says well it was nice to meet you, I've got to get back to my friends.

She walks to her friends and my band just stare at me.

Aleksi mikä se oli? emme tienneet, että sinulla on sisko (What was that? we didn't know you had a sister) says Niko and the rest look at me questioning.

Kyllä, hän on siskoni, mutta en ole nähnyt häntä kahteentoista vuoteen (yes guys she is my sister but I haven't seen her for twelve years) I answer.

Kuinka vanha hän on? ( how old is she?) was Joel's first question.

Hän on 30 vuotias (she's 30 years old) I answer.

I didn't want to talk any more about her so I  asked them to stop and we started to talk about other things.

Part 2? maybe Should I?

Sorry For the Finnish I'm not Finnish so I used Google Translate.

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