"Time appears to rush by without any concern for its impact upon you."

― Steven Redhead, Life Is a Dance

She was almost an hour in, she had no intention of stopping until she reached, she did stop once and pulled up Andrew's phone to check when they had sent her the message, to see at what time they had sent it to her, "4:16 pm, so I have 22 hours and 45 minutes more" she couldn't waste any more time, she couldn't risk stopping, every second was important.

She hit the accelerator and started driving, she didn't even play music this time! She always played music!!!

She was so stressed she didn't even realize she was speeding, she heard the cop sirens, she got stopped a cop, she pulled over, but when she did, she also realized she had a gun with her, if they check her she's screwed if she's screwed Andrew's screwed! "They couldn't have found a better time to stop me!"

Should she come clean and tell the cops? They would do everything they can to help her... right? But those people who took Andrew probably have eyes on her, not a good idea... before she could think the officer tapped on her window.

she was so scared she was going to hide the bag but they saw her, she rolled her eyes first then her window down her window, the officer said: "um, miss you are speeding, can I check your license?" she nodded she handed her license to the sheriff, he noticed her shaking hand, she did too, she couldn't help it, she was panicking like crazy, the worry was too much for her. As he was checking her license he said " so, are you new in Lillywood?" she knew he was suspicious about her, who wouldn't? she looked like a mess, and he was questioning her, she knew she had to be confident when she answers him so that he lets her go fast, she took a breath and answered as calmly as possible, "no officer, I've lived here for years, I pretty much grew up here" she had an idea if she talked too much nonsense he would let her go thinking that she's just a talkative teenager?, so she went on and on "I'm going to visit my sister, she just got married! to be honest, I don't like her husband very much, he talks too much, I don't know why she loves him so much, but if she does he much be a good person, anyways as I was saying, I'm pretty much going there for food, her mother in law is a great chef, she once made these amazing mashed potatoes, they were so great! I wish you could try some! I guess she married him for his mother's food too, I mean he talks so much! I can't stand talkative people" she went on and on about her non-existent her until he got tired and said "ok Miss, you can go now, just don't speed" she smiled and nodded and took off "and that's how it's done!" she said to herself, she was so relieved he didn't notice her anxiety and that stupid gun she was trying to hide.

She started driving again, she was so stressed about everything, "distract yourself!" she played music so she stops over thinking. She played her last played song,


Just killed a man,

Put a gun against his head, pulled my trigger,

Now he's dead"

- bohemian rhapsody, Queen

She stopped the song "bad choice of song" she said, which made her mouth curve into a smile. She stopped smiling instantly and started driving again without music.

Just as she thought she got there in about three hours, even though she didn't speed as much she got there early which made her feel better.

She parked her car near the museum but made sure to hide it in plain sight, she found the perfect spot, she could escape easily, after the... deed?

She went into the museum, she decided to check out the place first. She looked around for a few minutes, and checked all the cameras, they had given her the gear to make the stealing easy but it was still almost impossible for her to do. But she had no other choice.

She looked around until she found the ring. "looks uglier in person" said Lola under her breath. There was a text, it said that it was owned by some billionaire named Matilda Fox, it was given to her by her husband in the 1800's.

"Pretty, isn't it?" someone said, she turned around to see a man, no a boy, he had this friendly vibe in him, maybe it was his smile? eyes? she couldn't tell, he was tall, and had dark brown hair, he had hazel eyes which sparkled in the daylight, she just nodded with a confused look on her face, he continued anyway, "sometimes I just think rich men give their wives present to save their marriage, I mean look at them, their picture looks like they were one step away from separating" he slowly whispered, she snickered she hadn't done that in hours. She looked at him again he wore a white t-shirt, a leather jacket, and leather pants "Shadowhunter" she thought, he put his hand forward and said, "I'm Jim Donovan and you are?" "Ron Weasley," she said in a sarcastic voice, they both giggled he finally said, "it's Caroline, right?" she looked genuinely shocked, "how?" she thought, and she finally said, "um, ah?" he just pointed at the back of her jacket, she had totally forgotten she was wearing that jacket, Andrew had given it to her it had the number 25 and the name Caroline. It was her middle name, only Andrew called her Caroline. She at the boy who was talking to her, she answered "oh that everyone calls me Lola" he looked at her a second more and replied, "oh, then it's nice to meet you, Caroline". It felt weird that someone other than Andrew called her Caroline.

"I got soccer practice tomorrow, coach is making us work super hard for the game next month" said Andrew and eating his sandwich at the same time, "it's a pretty match, he has a point" replied Lola, while making more sandwiches, "Care, I know, I just want a break! We've been practicing the whole week" Lola came and sat next to him and continued "skip it for one day? Call in sick? You're not captain right...? it'd be bad for you if you were" she laughed "what would you do if you'd skip it anyways?", he grabbed another sandwich and answered, "spent it with you of course, or call in one of my other girls... obviously", "is it the tall blond one?" replied Lola, both of them laughed again. "No, no, it's the super short one, the brunette, who likes running, you know, Lola Caroline Anderson? She's the only one..." he smiled at her. "I love you" said Lola, which made Andrew choke on his sandwich, Lola with wide eyes ran to the kitchen and grabbed him a glass of water, "are you ok?" he slowly nodded, "well that went well, the first time I ever say to that anyone, you choke on water. Maybe it wasn't the right time... I'm not pressuring you to say it back or anything, I just wanted to..." before she could continue Andrew put his hand over her mouth to make her stop and started laughing, "I love you too Caroline, I was just shocked" he took his hands off and saw her sigh, "I thought I would the first one to say it", "I thought so too," said Lola and continued "I wanted to say it first, so that you know, umm.. how much- you mean... to me" she said in broken words.

"Hello?" that guy waved at her, she didn't realize she completely zoned out thinking about Andrew, "things were so much simpler back then... not back then! Yesterday!!" she thought. "Yeah sorry, you were saying?" she replied, "I said it's nice to meet you" she faked a smile and nodded and left.

"I really don't like talking to people" she thougut.

She covered the whole perimeter, checked all the cameras, she had a rough plan, but for that, she had to get into the security room to tamper with the cameras so that she can sneak in easily, "but how?" she thought it finally hit her, not an idea, a paper ball, she didn't know who threw it at her but she saw a kid who was looking right at her, she went to her and asked as politely as possible "did you throw this at me?" she asked in a polite but a scary tone, she couldn't help it, kids were not her cup of tea, they just annoyed her for some reason. The little girl looked scared but nodded and said in a scared voice "my brother dared me to" she was holding a piece of candy "why are stupid kids so easy to bribe? They would probably throw a stone at someone just for a candy" she thought, rolled her eyes, and took off.

She was walking around she suddenly thought about Andrew, he loved kids. Thinking about Andrew made her think about those people, whenever she thought about them it made her feel extremely uneasy, she constantly thought about the blood she saw, hoping and praying for it to not be Andrew's. She took a deep breath, but this time it didn't work, her heart started racing, her fingers started feeling numb, her palms were sweating like crazy, she couldn't breathe at all.

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