Dealing with Malfoy

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Meh Pov(Nicky)
It has only been a few minutes since harry has moved in with Malfoy and already Malfoy was being such an annoying prat.

Honestly if u asked Harry how anyone could ever deal with Malfoy he would tell u he has no clue.

He was already regretting his choice
But than he sorta didn't bc  Malfoy wasn't being mean to him and he did it just to protect his friends so if I asked him it was a-Win-win well apart from dating Malfoy but I mean it could have been worse.

Anywho it is now dinner time and Draco and Harry we're peacefully eating well with the exception of Malfoy complaining about things he couldn't get away with.

After Dinner
Malfoy had decided he wanted to go to hogsmeade so Harry having nothing better to do decided why not go to hogsmeade and maybe  buy some sweets while he was over there.

Oddly Enough Harry had an awesome time Draco was Being Kind to him and bought him a bunch of sweets and This really nice outfit Harry wanted but was too expensive for him to afford.

All in all he realized Malfoy can be pretty cool when he's not being a petty spoiled prat

As the days flew by Draco and Harry got along better they had fun going on dates,spending time with each other and just in general being in each other's presence.

I happened to remember a time we went to get ice cream and Draco had spilled some of his that when we got up to leave he slipped on it and feel right onto his face.Poor him but I gotta admit that was hilarious.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2022 ⏰

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