Chapter 1 or somethin

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He woke up to his very 'useful' and annoying backseater barging through the door. "Wake up man, we're up in 3." Jas, his WSO said.

"Three what?" He asked. "Three zero. 30 minutes. Not a lot of time here." Jas said grabbing his arm and dragging him out of the bed.

He grabbed his helmet and walked toward the briefing room. Once inside he sat down.

"There's gonna be a shit ton of ZU 23's in the area but it shouldn't be a problem. Your F-15E's shouldn't be that low anyway. Questions?" Explained Kaiser. He had snuck in pretty much flawlessly. While he heard absolutely nothing. He was ready, just some Privateers and Pirates.

He hopped into the front seat of his F15E Strike Eagle and responded to his pre flight checks accordingly.

"Which way are we going?" He asked turning back in his seat. "We're going east, just gotta follow Krunch and release those MK82's and we're swarmed with ladies." Jas said adjusting his goggles.

"Whatever you say man." He said laughing. "Not like you've got game anyway.." he mumbled loud enough for Jas to hear.
"Fuck you dude. I have all the game, every bit of game is in me bro." Jas said smacking the back of his helmet

"Stalker Squadron, ATC, cleared for takeoff." The radio screamed to life with the Air Traffic Controller's voice coming through.

He brought up his throttle and taxied to the runway. One by one the squadron made it into the air.

Finally his aircraft was on the runway. He put on the afterburners and his aircraft rose into the air. He rose to 11,000 feet and leveled out on the left side of his squadron leader, Captain.

Captain's original callsign being Bingo with it being changed due to us calling him captain instead of his callsign Bingo, and it stuck.

"Are we there yet?" Jas asked "I dunno Jas, nobody's diving for the ground to bring absolute hell to some random ass compound." Dice said.

"Squadron, shut the hell up." Captain commanded. "Aye aye cap'n." Jas muttered.

"Approaching the target area, Beeper you hit the compound and we'll deal with hostile AA." Captain said rolling to the right.

He dived toward the ground. Keeping in an eye on his altimeter. "7500, drop em Jas!" He exclaimed Jas released the bombs and declared, "Stalker 4, Pickle!"

He began to climb and looked behind him watching the compound explode. "They felt that one. Mission's complete, RTB Captain?" He asked.

"Copy that Beeper, RT motherfucking B." Captain said. He formed up behind Captain and they began the journey toward base.

The squadron landed, taxied, and parked their aircraft. He opened the canopy and checked the aircraft for any damages.

"Come on man, no need to check I dropped at 7500, lowest you got was maybe 6800?" Jas said taking his goggles off of his eyes.

"Last time I took your advice our gas tank was hit and we had to glide back to base. Im comfortable with Beeper. Glider? Not a fun callsign." He said finishing his inspection.

"How is Beeper a good name man? Being named after SAM warnings? Bad juju man, one of these days Beeper's Gonna be Flamer or some shit." Jas said walking with him to the squadron bunks.

He tossed his helmet on his bed and flopped himself on it when Dice, a pilot in his squadron came in. "Boss man needs everyone in the briefing room." Dice said holding his helmet. "Great.. for what?" He asked "beats me man, gotta be there to hear it."

He got up and walked toward the briefing seeing each squadron inside.

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