The New Crew Member

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It was a hot mid-afternoon in early July, and the crew of the Black Royal was just getting off the ship, which was currently docked with British flags waving so they wouldn't be questioned. They were in desperate need of supplies but had money from the last people they stole from. Captain Makayla Sparrow had sent her crew to go get them as she had other things she needed to take care of. Makayla looked around the port while she headed to a small local pub that was close by. She had a spy deep within the royal navy stationed in England close by and was going to meet up with him. She hasn't told anyone about the spy, not even her older brother Jack Sparrow.

She always dressed a little bit differently than Jack or any other pirate. She had a hood instead of a pirate hat and her outfit was mostly black. She had multiple knives, swords, and guns on her at all times, that's not including her hidden blade on her right hand. Her fashion was a mixture of normal pirates and a secret group of assassins as she was a part of both groups. She knew that the times were changing and that soon enough fashion and weaponry would too. She knew more places were being discovered and the world maps were being filled in.

Makayla walked into the small pub and quickly found a seat she liked. She wasn't going to remove her hood, as it was protecting her identity. She sat down in the very back corner which was dimly lit by two lights that were several feet from each other. She was well known in the pirate community as Jack sparrow's sister and in the Assassin world as one of the best. She wasn't to be messed with or kept waiting, even on her good days. She sat and waited, her hood was on and her weapons on her sides and legs ready. Her hidden blade on her right hand is there for close and personal kills.

Makayla had ordered a drink as she waited. Soon enough she watched as her contact walked into the pub and scanned the crowd for a bit before looking at her. His name was lieutenant Alexander Mallard. He walked up to the dimly lit table where the pirate sat and decided to sit down so as not to draw too much attention to them. The two of them soon began talking. No one was paying any attention to them, and they liked it that way. Alexander handed Makayla a couple of pieces of paper nodding at her as she took them. Makayla could tell that they were important if he was willing to chance getting caught to get them to her. They stayed together for several minutes talking about them before he got up, nodded, and headed for the door.

Makayla was left alone at her table to contemplate what she was just told and was given. It would have felt like ten minutes before she felt a pair of eyes in the distance looking right at her. When she felt it, she started to scan the crowd when someone walked up to her. He quickly sat down and looked at Makayla, everything he was going to say would be lies from the moment he sat down and Makayla knew it.

The man who sat down was named Captain Joseph Barbossa, the son of none other than Jack's enemy, Hector Barbossa, but that isn't how he introduced himself to Makayla. He told Makayla his name was Gregory Petrova, and that he was born in England. Makayla was beginning to wonder why he was there and why he was telling her any of this. She looked at him with a questioning look on her face and asked him what he was doing.

Joseph looked at her and nods "right down to business, I like that" he said with a smile putting his hands together on the table in front of him "I hear you have a ship, and I'm here in need of a ship and a captain ma'am" the man said lying about his need for a ship, he was clearly a pirate. Whether or not he was telling the truth about needing a ship and a captain was up for debate.

Makayla gave him a look, she didn't know if she should trust him or why. All she had was his word and nothing else. "Tell me, Gregory, why would you want to join my crew?" She wanted answers to questions before she would consider letting him on her ship, it was the only way she would even begin to trust anything this man says. "Why should I trust anything you say?" She was telling him a little bit about how she was feeling with a few questions.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2022 ⏰

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