(5) Kiran.

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Tyler on the side!

"You're the bad ass" He states. I smirk back.

"I sure am" I say with a wink then look back at the other men. I crack my knuckles and stare at them with a playful smile. "Who's next?"


The men look at me in fear making me chuckle.

"So you're not scared of a man who's twice my size but you're scared of a 16 year old girl?" I tease. Jerry snickers and stands up slowly. He begins to walk over to us. When he's close enough I grab him and put him behind me since he's injured.

"We can beat you. You're just a girl" One of the men snorts. I glare at him.

"I'm here!" Missy's voice shouts. I hear her come up next to me. She stares at me before looking at Tyler. "What' with the death glares?" She asks. Before he gets time to answer one of the men comes charging at me. He comes so quickly that I just move out of the way making him crash into the wall behind us. I laugh at his stupidness.

Another one of the men steps out slowly and stares at me coldly. I do the same. The final man steps in front of Missy.

""Hey what's that?" She asks as she points into the air at nothing. The man looks up. "So gullible" She mutters before knocking him out cold with a punch. My guy however, not so easy to fool.

"Come on, you missed it!" I exclaim at him.

"There's nothing to miss if it was never there" He tells me before punching me in the jaw. I groan and wiggle my jaw around a little. I see Tyler tense in the corner of my eye.

"Is that really all you've got?" I ask. He glares at me before going to punch me again but this time I catch his fist. "Nice try" I say sweetly, now stood upright. I twist his hand round making him groan in pain. He tries to hold it in but when I knock him off of his feet he screams in pain as his back comes in contact with the floor.  I place my foot on his throat blocking his air. I continue doing this until Jerry stops me.

"Kira, we can't kill him" I ignore him. "Kira, if you kill him then this is over. I will send you back and you'll never be able to fight again" Jerry threatens. I take a deep breath before removing my foot. I look down at the guy who is passed out on the floor.

"Uhhhhh...." I turn and look at Tyler who looks confused and scared. I give Jerry a look before walking closer to Tyler and punching him hard enough to knock him out.

"What the fuck...." Missy trails off.

"And how was that necessary?" Jerry questions. I turn to him and shrug. I step on Tyler's fallen body and begin to talk a walk. I take in my surroundings by spinning around. After a while I decide to go to the beach. One of my most favourite places in the world. As much as it brings the sad memories back, I want to go.

I take the long walk to the beach and straight away make my way to the sand. I walk down by the water and think of all the times me and Kiran used to come here. But then I think back to last year.

"Can I speak to Kira alone?" Kiran asks. His mom and dad nod before leaving the room. I wipe my tears which is completely useless. He gives me a look as if to say 'stop crying'.

"I'm sorry. I can't help it" I admit with a small laugh. He gives me a sad smile. I take a seat next to his hospital bed. He grabs my hand and places a kiss on it softly.

"I want you to promise me something" He says.

"Anything" I reply.

"If you ever love someone after me, you tell them. Even if you're scared that it's not the right thing to do, even if you're scared that it'll cause problems, even if you're scared it will burn your life to the ground, you say it and you say it loud. And then you go from there" He says and wipes away my tears. "Promise me?" He questions. As much as I want to deny it, I don't.

"I promise" I whisper. He smiles and his heart monitor starts to slow down.

"I love you" He whispers.

"I love you too Kiran. I love you too" I whisper back. All of a sudden the monitor makes the long beep as it doesn't sense the heart beating. Kiran had just died of cancer.

I feel the tears streaming down my face. My phone all of a sudden rings. I answer it without looking at the caller ID.

"Hello?" I sniff.

"Look left" Luke's voice says. I turn my head left and see Luke standing there near the top of the beach. I let out a sad laugh and run towards him and hug him tightly.

"What are you doing here?" I breathe as I hug him as hard as I can. He does the same.

"I couldn't stand to be away from my sister for  a year now could I?" I laugh and pull back.

"How did you even get here?" I ask knowing mom wouldn't just let him come out half way across the world.

"I lied and said the school asked me to join. Your friend Jerry helped me" He smirks.

"So you know?" I ask. He nods sadly.

"Yeah and we both know I don't want you doing the same as Ashley but there's nothing I can do to stop you" He states. "Which is why I'm a part of it too"

"What do you mean?" I ask. Luke smiles.

"Honey, your 17 year old brother just joined the 1764"


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