Chapter 18

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"All cats old enough to catch their own prey, join me under the tall rock for a clan meeting!" Yowled Tigerlily. Rubyshine groaned, rubbing her eyes as she looked up. She saw the deputy sitting on the tall rock and glanced around the warriors den. She was the only one inside. She heaved herself up, tripping over one of the nests decorated with tiny little pebbles. She left the den, seeing Turtlefur and joined her. She had Copperkit, Ebonykit, and Acornkit with her. They were already starting to walk, (more like crawl) and were much louder than they were a moon ago. Was today the day Falconstar announces that we joined Birchclan? She looked for the tom. I don't see him anywhere. Tigerlily scowled at Rubyshine.

"I need a few patrols out by the borders. I'll lead one to the rogues territory, see if their trying to cross or not." She mewed.

Rubyshine smiled. Great! I can stretch my paws a bit during the walk. She waved her tail.

"I'll come with you!" Tigerlily forced a smile at the she-cat.

"I'd like to come with too." Mewed a voice. Falconstar snuck up behind Rubyshine, making her flinch. The tom smiled at her, then at Tigerlily.

"I haven't left my den since we settled here. It would be nice to take a walk." Tigerlily stuttered, twitching her tail. She glanced at Falconstar, then at Rubyshine. She was quiet. Cats stared at the deputy, confused. Rubyshine tilted her head and looked at her confused. Is she broken?

"Of course!" She purred. Nightshade rolled his eyes, mumbling something to Silverpool. The silver tabby let out a loud mrrow, covering her muzzle with her paw. Nightshade smiled, like he wasn't expecting the she-cat to laugh. Rubyshine smirked at the tom. Remembering the grumpy, aggressive Nightshade he met at the border. She looked at Tigerlily leaping off the tall rock, one eye twitching.

"Clan dismissed." She mewed quietly. Falconstar nodded to Nightshade. "Watch the clan for me, will you?"

Rubyshine frowned. The deputy and the leader gone on a patrol? This is weird. The three left the huge cave, padding down the stone staircase. Snow fell from the sky. Rubyshine finally saw snow covering the ground. Leaf fall. Her eyes widened. Tigerlily scoffed, rolling her eyes at the she-cat as they padded into the birch forest.

"Don't tell me you've never seen snow before?" She snapped.

Rubyshine let out a purr. "No! It's just that snow means...less prey." She frowned. Falconstar smiled softly, placing his tail on her shoulder.

"My warriors are great hunters, we won't starve on my watch." Rubyshine glanced at him, shoving his tail off her shoulder. She could hear Tigerlily snarling behind their backs as they padded around the territory. Falconstar stayed beside Rubyshines side as they walked. Tigerlily looked behind her shoulder, and walked beside Falconstar.

"Hey Falconstar! After this patrol can I talk to you alone?" She asked, brushing her tail with his. Falconstar looked at her like she's been sleeping at the dirt place.

"No. You have an apprentice to train. Maybe later?" Tigerlily frowned, but nodded. Rubyshine looked the other way, seeing a dark gray little ball of fur run across the forest floor. What is that? She dropped into a crouch, following it. The thing stopped, nibbling grass that poked out of the snow. It's a mouse. She gasped. She stood against a birch tree then remembered that she no longer had pine trees to hide her in the snow. The mouse saw her and buried itself into the snow. She hissed, slapping the ground. Falconstar padded over to her, flicking his tail as he watched a bump in the snow scurry away. Tigerlily let out a loud purr, making Rubyshine embarrassed.

"Oh Tigerlily, this is her first time hunting mice! Cut her some slack will you?" Falconstar mewed, disappointed in his deputy. He turned back to Rubyshine with a smile on his face.

"Happens to me all the time. Let's just re-mark the borders and go." He mewed to Tigerlily. The siamese nodded. Rubyshine sighed, following the two to the edge of the border. She saw a red barn behind a white fence. She stared at the barn as Tigerlily marked the border. Falconstar stood closer to Rubyshine.

"Weird isn't it? Cats actually live there." He mewed. Rubyshine glared at him. I already knew that. Falconstar frowned at the she-cats anger, and padded over to Tigerlily. Rubyshine flicked her tail, raising her chin. That'll keep Tigerlily from scowling at me. Hopefully. She sighed, sitting down and waited for them under a birch tree. Falconstar murmured something to Tigerlily and the two padded over to her.

"Alright, let's go." She mewed. Rubyshine nodded, and followed her back to camp. When they reached the staircase Rubyshine was greeted with Baypaw. He smiled and waved his skinny tail and glanced at Tigerlily. She waved back, nodding to Falconstar as she joined her apprentice.

"Did you help the queens?" She asked.


Baypaw had a big smile on his face. Tigerlily sighed, shaking her head and smirked. "You can have your break now."

The tom raced off into the nursery, leaving with Sunpaw by his side. Rubyshine chuckled, and decided that she too would visit the kits. Before she could, Falconstar stopped her at the entrance. What does he want now? She thought, grumbling. The tom made a weird face. What? What is he doing? She tilted her head, and could feel a smile forming on her face as well. Is this some sort of sorcery? Stop. Smiling! She hissed to herself.

"I was wondering if you'd like to go to the next gathering?" He asked, glancing at his paws. Rubyshine nodded.

"Sure." Falconstar dipped his head to the she-cat. "Good day."

He padded off to his den, waving his tail to a few warriors who passed by. Rubyshine stared at him for a while, but shook her head. I think I'm getting sick. She went inside the camp and padded over to the nursery where Turtlefur sat with her three kits. She looked up and smiled warmly. Rubyshine sat next to the queen and watched the kits.

"I'm sure there eyes will open soon." She mewed to them. Acornkit had her back turned, her head turning to one corner of the den. Turtlefur chuckled, glancing at the tortoiseshell.

"Acornkit already has. She still has her blue eyes but...maybe she'll have hazel eyes like her father." Turtlefur frowned, remedying Hawkbark. Rubyshine suddenly felt bad. I shouldn't have taken Turtlefur away from her mate. She thought, the guilt overwhelming her. She smiled sadly at the torbie.

"I'm sure Copperkit and Ebonykit will open their eyes tomorrow. And maybe Acornkits eye color will finally change!" She purred. Turtlefur smiled at the she-cat, then at her kits.


Acornkit turned around, her eyes a darkish blue color. She glanced at Rubyshine and gasped. The kit stumbled over to her and nuzzled her. Rubyshine was surprised by the kits response. Turtlefur let out a mrrrow.

"She thinks your her other mother." Rubyshine remembered how she was there when the kits were born til now. I guess I am their mother. Their GODmother. She smiled to herself, still proud of the role Turtlefur gave her. Turtlefur kept her paw on Ebonykit who kept trying to crawl away. One of his ears shot up, while the other was still folded. Copperkit still had her eyes closed at ears flat. Soon, hopefully, they'll grow up to become amazing warriors. She thought.

"Oh Rubyshine, you don't have to stay here all day. Go. Let me deal with the kits myself." She shooed her away, getting out of her nest to push her out of the nursery. As she left, Goldensong came back in with Sunpaw in her jaws. Baypaw looked disappointed, watching the tom go back to his nest. Rubyshine shook her fur, and padded over to the warriors den. She didn't feel hungry so she curled up into a ball and slept til the next morning.

I have a horrible habit of making short chapters. Here are a few questions because why not?

What do you think the kits eye color will be? -

What do you think about the Falcon x Ruby? Or are you a Falcon x Tiger fan? -

Cats know about stairs now I guess. This is a place to rant and give hateful comments so I'll never have to read them. -

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