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"Karma what's going on?" Greta asked me later that day. "Huh nothing?" I say shaking my head. She came over to where i was sitting at the island and hugged me. "I guess I'm just having withdrawals from Bryan. " I sighed. "Sorry. " She said. "Not your fault. " I giggled. She smiled. "But he as coming in a week. " I said upbeat. "Awesome for how long?" She asked. "Not sure. " I smiled. "Are we gonna 3 some?" She asked smiling. "No. " I say serious. "Why!" She asked. "He's my boyfriend and this is serious. I want it to be just us " I lightly said. "But we messed around. Are we gonna keep messing around?" She asked confused. "Not anymore. I have to be fair to Bryan. " I honestly say. "Okay. " she sighed and sat by me. "So do i have permission to sleep with Darrian? " She asked. My eye twitched. "Uh no. " I say fake smiling.

I was at the airport 6 days later to pick my man up! I was waiting in the terminal. Then i sad the people coming out. After about 50 people I seen him. I smiled hard and when he reached the bottom I ran to him hugging him. He wrapped his arms around me picking me up. "Hey baby girl. " He chuckled. He swung me around before setting me down. I kissed him holding his neck. He held my waist pressing his lips on mine more. I hugged him laying my head in his neck. He grabbed my butt squeezing it.

We got back to my house. "Kiss Me. " I giggled closing the door behind us. We walked down the steps and he kissed my cheek. I turned to face him and he held my face and kissed me softly. I pressed against him and he pulled me to my bed. He laid on top of me unzipping my dress.

"I got a dog. " He lightly said as we calmed down. "Really?" I asked laying my head on his chest cuddling him. "Yea his name is Tim. " He said. "Tim?" I say feeling tears. "Yea. It's a bit plain bu- babe?" He said and looked at me I sat up trying not to cry. "I knew a Timothy, I loved him and he overdosed. " I gave up and cried. Jacob sat up putting a arm around me "I'll change the name I'm sorry. " he lightly said. "No its fine. I'm sure it's a good dog. " I told him lightly. Bryan leaned over kissed me. "He's a little rowdy. " He joked and kissed me again. "I love you baby and I can wait to meet Timothy." I told him smiling lightly. I got out of the bed pulling on my dress.

we went back upstairs and immediately we saw my brother and Darrian. "Wow. " Darrian said aloud. I pulled Bryans hand. "What Darrian. Gonna say her name again?" Bryan said pissed. "I fucked Abigail and she sucked my dick hard and i-" Bryan broke through and punched Darrian in his face mid sentence. "Bryan!" I called going to grab his arm. He was fighting Darrian. I grabbed his wrist with both hands. Then Kameron came in punching Bryan! i pushed Kameron back and grabbed Bryan crying. "Baby!" I cried. He walked with me breathing hard. I kissed him but he was staring behind us. "Stop!" I yelled. He shook his head and put his hand on my waist. He begun taking deep breath. His eyes closed. I leaned up and kissed him. "Calm down. "I told him softly. I leaned up and wrapped my arms around his neck hugging him tightly. His hands held my lower back slowly moving back and forth. "Okay. " He said calm. He sat me back down and kissed me. "Let's go out. " I told him. He nodded. "I need my shoes. " He lightly said. "I will go get them. Sit. " I told him. He sat at the couch. I went back through the house and i saw Kameron giving Darrian some frozen vegetables. I went past them and down the steps. I grabbed his shoes and mine. I brought it back up. "Fuck your boyfriend karma." Darrian muttered. I went to him and slapped him. I walked out and handed Bryan his shoes. "Thanks baby. " He said and put his shoes on. "I love you. " I told him kissing his cheek. "You too. " He said standing up. "We need to talk also. " I told him. He nodded and we left out the door.

We were at a park. "You never told me about Abigail. Who was she?" I asked. "She was my fiance. " He softly said. "She was riding around with me on tour, doing drugs and getting drunk with me as lo. I loved her dearly. We dated for about 3 years until this big scandal of me sleeping with tons of girls came out. She broke up with me and slept with a idiot who was your dear buddy Darrian. I found out which caused me to lash out on Abigail. She told me she could never love a monster like me and I agreed. I let her go thinking I was doing her a favor but then she overdoses 5 weeks later. " He said robotic. I put my hand on his. "I'm sorry. " I lightly said. How could Darrian say the things he has when Abigail died? "I will never forgive Darrian. " Bryan said serious. "I love you. " I told him standing up and sitting on his lap. "I'm so sorry. " I lightly said and held his face.his arm wrapped around me and he kissed me. "You're so sweet. It's not you're fault. It's Darrian." He simply said. "Yea. " I agreed. He kissed me again. "So tell me about Tim?" He asked. My heart froze. "I may him at my last rehab and he was so sweet and positive. He really turned my attitude toward the treatment around. " my eyes begun watering. "He was a wonderful friend to me and I owe him my life. " I say as as few tears fell. "His grandpa died during treatment and he checked out to go and overdosed the next morning. " I say and tears were falling steadily. "Sorry to hear that doll. " He said tucking a piece of my hair back. "You know I get it. " He lightly said. I nodded nodded and he wiped my tears. "Was he just a friend?" He suddenly asked. "At that moment he was. We kissed but we never had a title more then friends. " I lightly said. Bryan rubbed my back and i hugged him. "You are my world now. " He whispered.

Loving DarrianTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang