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"Sapnap!" A voice called out, calling to him as he fought against the training dummy. Sapnap punched against the stuffed dummy like his life depended on it, cause most of the time, it did. "Sapnaaap!" The voice called again. "You've been at this all morning." Sapnap kept punching the training dummy. Blowing hair out of his face and sending another blow, cracking the wooden post the dummy was tied to. "Sapnap!"

Sapnap huffed and stopped for a minute, turning around to see the voice that called out to him. His partner Quackity smiled at him when he stopped. Sapnap also noticed Karl coming towards where Quackity was sitting with a picnic basket. Sapnap relaxed, his aggressive demeanor washing away when he saw his two boyfriends.

The sun started to shine on the three, though two of them sat under a tree in a flower field, watching as Sapnap trained for whatever reason. He always trained like he was preparing for something. Quackity noticed this a while ago and started coming with him to watch, making sure Sapnap doesn't hurt himself.

"Take a break!" Karl called out when he noticed Sapnap stopped. "I brought snacks!" Karl beamed. Gesturing over towards the tree the two sat under. Karl started showing up to watch Sapnap train after he noticed the two would disappear early in the mornings. Mainly when the sun would start to rise.  Following them out to the flower field, and joining Quackity in watching their boyfriend train.

Sapnap sighed and reluctantly walked over to the two boys, sitting across from the two. As soon as he sat down Quackity leaned forward and kissed Sapnap on the cheek. "Glad you're taking a break"

"I'd be fine if I didn't-" Sapnap tried to argue. Only to stop himself when he noticed the two look up at him.

"Though you continuing to train in a second is still on the table..." Quackity laughed, soon joined by the other two boys. Karl smiled, reaching out to hold Sapnaps hand. Sapnap gladly accepted and held onto Karl. Karl saw this opportunity and dragged Sapnap over so he was sitting in Karl's lap. It was more laying down on top of Karl but he took whatever he could get.

"You cold, love?" Sapnap asked, feeling Karl hold onto Sapnap as close as he could. Sapnap felt Karl shake his head no and looked over to Quackity, who only shrugged. Karl liked to hold onto Sapnap whenever he felt cold, but most of the time it was to just remind himself that Sap was there, and safe. Sapnap would gladly reassure that he was there anytime. He even took comfort in making sure his partners were safe.

Quackity asked the two about how they slept, Karl smiled and said "Had a nightmare, woke up to you two here, and I immediately felt better when I saw you two."

Quackity moved over to where he was sitting right beside the two boys. He started talking about his morning and playing with Sapnap's hair at the same time. Which Sap melted to the touch, relaxing a bit more.

"Made breakfast, brought it over but we seem a bit occupied." Quackity smiled. "Seeing as lover boy over here decided to talk to us." Sapnap laughed.

"I talk to you two all the time!" Sapnap argued playfully. Laughing along with the two.

"Yeah, but you don't when you're training like you're getting ready for the next war!" Karl squeezed Sapnaps hand again. Sapnap laughed as he closed his eyes. Listening to the two boys talk about whatever. Sapnap even started to zone out slightly. Listening to the two was music to his ears.

"Take a break for today." Sapnap heard, blinking back to reality. He looked up at his boyfriends, one holding onto him close and the other moving down to hold his hand. "Please?" Quackity asked again.

Sapnap thought about it. Take a break and spend more time with his partners, or continue training and spend time later. Normally he wouldn't struggle with the decision but after recent events... He wanted to be ready to protect the people he loves. Sapnap always wanted to be ready to protect them both. Then again, finally being able to spend a whole day with them didn't sound like a bad idea.

Sapnap hummed as he came to a decision. "Fine." Sapnap moved over so he was more in between the two. Laying down in front of them and resting. Quackity and Karl cheered for a minute. Then Quackity leaned down and kissed Sapnap. Holding onto his face and closing his eyes into the kiss. Sapnap smiled and almost followed Quackity as he pulled back.

"My turn!" Karl smiled, leaning over and holding onto Sapnaps face as they kissed. Rubbing his thumb over the scarring on his cheek. Karl pulled back and rested his head on Quackity's shoulder.

Sapnap smiled as the boys talked about the threes plans for today. Listening in when he was needed but otherwise, he felt relaxed. It wasn't often Sapnap let himself relax but this was one of those occasions. Sapnap felt content and safe with the two, like he really could act like himself and no one would judge him.

"I love you two." Sapnap smiled, feeling Quackity start to play with his hair and Karl holding onto his hand. Sapnap looked up to smile at the two boys and saw them smiling back. The best way to describe the look in each of their eyes would be heart eyes, like they've fallen in love all over again.

"I love you so much pretty boy." Karl squeezed Sapnap's hand, holding on tight like he'd disappear if he let go. Karl rubbed his thumb over the bruised knuckles on Sapnap's hand.

"Love you too handsome." Quackity brushed the hair out of Sapnap's face and he smiled.

These were the two that Sapnap wants to spend the rest of his life with. It was that exact moment he knew that was the truth. Sapnap wanted to stay with these two for the rest of their lives.

He really did fall in love with the best people he could've.

Memories Of A Past Life - Karlnapity Where stories live. Discover now