chapter 3

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Shadow stood frozen he didn't knew how to explain, "Well a vamphog is a creature that sucks blood out of other creatures", Sonic got a little shock, "Whaa?!" Sonic panic a little, "Don't worry I'm not going to hurt you" said Shadow. Sonic calm down a little, "Are you sure?" asked Sonic, "Ofcourse" said Shadow giving Sonic a little tender smile. Sonic calm down, "Okay then, but what do you suck the blood out of?" asked Sonic, "Uh animals and other things, but I would never hurt a mobian" said Shadow. Sonic didn't knew why but he believe Shadow, "So back to our subject we need to find out about your memory, the sails man said he found this shell in Blue Tear beach, does it sound familiar?" asked Shadow, Sonic shook his head, "No not really" said Sonic. Shadow knew where the place was but it was getting kind late at night, Shadow was getting a little hungry and so was Sonic. Shadow knew this would happened so he gave Sonic a bag of bread and some other things he can calm his hunger with, "What about you?" asked Sonic, "Oh? Don't worry I'll just go out and hunt for a animal, I'll be back soon" said Shadow as he left the mansion for a moment. Sonic went to the kitchen and started to eat some food, thinking of how good it tasted, it made it seem like the first time he ever ate bread, even do Sonic became more and more confused, it seem likes his first time in everything he does, but why?. This thoughts keep rolling around Sonic's head making him dizzy, Sonic grabbed the little shell he saw and keep looking at it for a moment, "Blue tear beach uh?" though Sonic as he keep looking at every inch of it. Sonic didn't knew he was being watch by some green vamphog as well, Sonic felt like someone was watching him, he slowly turned to see the green vamphog. Sonic didn't knew what to do, the green vamphog started to walk a little closer, Sonic backed away, "Your not Shadow" said the green vamphog, "" said Sonic a little frighten he knew it could have been a vamphog and also he knew that vamphogs can suck blood. Sonic keep going back until he he couldn't, Scourge took the opportunity and put his hands beside Sonic avoiding his escape, "Who are you? And why are you here?" asked Scourge gently to not frighten the hedgehog more than he had. Sonic was trembling from his fear, "S....s...Sonic" said Sonic mumbling between words, "Sonic......I have to say it suits you" said Scourge as he got his face a little closer to Sonic's, Sonic turned his face there way not wanting to look at Scourge. Scourge starter to sniff Sonic near his neck, "Sonic your blood smells so sweet" said Scourge as he put a hand on Sonic's cheek, making Sonic look at him. Scourge started to get his face close to Sonic about to kiss him, but Sonic quickly punch his face, "GO AWAY!" yelled Sonic Scourge back away letting Sonic escape. Sonic got out and ran to the forest hopping to find Shadow, Scourge went behind Sonic, "Hey come back here I just want to savor your blood" said Scourge as he followed Sonic, Sonic didn't wanted to look back he was too afraid, he keep going and going. But Scourge caught his arm pulling him back, "That was fun, maybe next time you will get a head start again" said Scourge as he grabbed Sonic's face with 2 fingers "Now for my kiss" said Scourge as he was about to kiss Sonic, Sonic closed his eyes not wanting to see this moment, "Scourge" a deep voice said. Scourge looked around taking his face away from Sonic's, "Drop him" continue saying the deep and familiar voice, it came out from the shadows it was Shadow, Sonic was so happy to see him, "Shadow" said Sonic he felt so glad to have seen his friend vamphog, "Well well well if it isn't Shadow the vamphog, what came to rescue your delicious friends?" ask Scourge as he was holding Sonic tight by a arm, "Scourge let him go, this is between you and me" said Shadow he wasn't so happy that Scourge would be messing with Sonic. Scourge looked at Sonic and pulled him close, "Let me go!" yelled Sonic, "I don't think so, he is a very adorable and sweet blooded, so I think I will keep him" said Scourge, Shadow had enough and quickly charged at Scourge with a punch on the face, making Scourge fly off and hit a tree, "Sonic go back to the castle now!" command Shadow, "But what about you?" asked Sonic, "I'll be fine, you just go ahead!" said Shadow. Sonic nod and headed back to the castle, Scourge was starting to stand up and started to chuckle, "Scourge what has Mephiles send you to? And why are you bothering Sonic?" asked Shadow, "I came to have you a message by Mephiles, he will soon be coming by but you will never guess what he has in mind" said Scourge with a grin, "But instead of finding you I found that delicious hedgehog" said Scourge with a bigger grin. Shadow walked to the green vamphog and grabbed him by his neck, "You dare even touch a hair on him and I will kill you twice" said Shadow in a treating voice, Scourge frowned, "Don't test me Shadow I now know your new weak spot" said Scourge as he kicked Shadow away and ran off in the darkness. 

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