Chapter one : the suprise

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Dear diary,
On August we went to New York!I was so excited and cannot wait till I see the town.We drived with a car,so it was like one day till we were there.
It was the first day and on the evening I was exploring the forest till I saw something.
There was a strange big house,how I could see.I wanted to go inside,but my phone was was my mom!Saying to come back for dinner.I was really confusing and went home.I really wanted to explore the house,so I made a plan:
When my parents go to sleep,I'll take my bag with supplies and go to the house.
After dinner my parents went sleep,however I was packing really quickly my bag and and waited till 12 a.m.
I was wondering: Who build and lived in this house?Or it is not a house..?
At 12 a.m. I quietly went outside and then into the forest.Luckily I could remember the way.
And then I finally found it.I was shaking,however I went inside.

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