My Wish (Kayo Hinazuki)

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In my sweet dreams I see,
The town without me,

A way that is hazed,
Picture from which I'm erased,

Snowflakes that desend from skies,
Blur every image in my eyes,

Every sense has gone numb,
I'm standing deaf and dumb,

Children gather and play,
A small distance away,

Their laughter jolly,
Fades away slowly,

And I stand all alone,
No shoulder to cry upon,

On my naked hands snow falls,
They've as numb as a doll's

And scars under my cloth,
And heart raging with loath,

But I'm still quiet and at pace,
No emotion's on my face,

My heart is not that well,
I'm tired of this living hell,

No where to get love from,
No place that I can call home,

That's why I want to see,
The town without me,

A way that's hazed,
Picture from which I'm erased


Anime: Erased.

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