It Starts Like This

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Since the beginning, it had been Kacchan, and Micchan, and Deku.

The three musketeers-- in their own, admittedly dysfunctional way.

The truth of the matter is, two personalities so overwhelmingly vibrant and large as Kacchan and Emi's-- so selfish, and awe-inspiring, and cruel, with no regard for the lights they stomp out in the process of trying to ruin one another-- are destined to explode like stars in the sky.

(And probably kill Deku on accident)


It goes like this:


Surprising as it may be, Kacchan isn't the first to get his quirk in Aldera Kindergarten class A. In fact, he's one of the last people to start showing.

This just means that his Explosions look vastly more impressive when put up against an entire class of other quirks that couldn't compare.

Everyday, he comes to school, his apron neat and tidy as always (Mitsuki-baa wouldn't have it any other way after all), sparks bursting from his palms at any given moment.

The teachers praise him, and tell him what a great hero he'll be one day. The other boys in class, Izuku included, follow behind him, calling themselves the Bakugou Agency, since everyone knows Kacchan is going to open his own one day.

And Micchan? Micchan who is mean, but gentle, and pretty, but vain-- Micchan, who has always gone out of her way to fight Kacchan at every turn, just because she can?

Micchan fights even harder now that Kacchan's got his quirk.

So, Kacchan will steal her new pin, a little jeweled flower brooch from her kindergarten apron, and she'll screech and run after him, shoving him down in the mud and ignoring the sting of his little sparks as she tries to pummel him.

Micchan will add her own girly touch to his drawing, turning his cool red and black car into a hat for that ugly crayon-pink cat, and he'll tug at her pigtails until they fall out and trip her over so he can draw on her face in marker.

Everyday ends with the teacher pulling the two of them apart and Deku trailing along behind them because Kacchan and Micchan are violent, and self-centered, and wild, but they're still his best friends no matter what.

Soon enough, Micchan gets her quirk. It's not so flashy and grand as Kacchan's, but it is infinitely more useful.

She can touch something, and then make it older, or younger. It's amazing, really.

Now, when Kacchan smears mud on her apron, she just touches it and wills it back to cleanliness, and Kacchan plays too rough, she'll tap him on the arm and the bruises will be as good as gone.

The teachers praise Micchan, and just like Kacchan, she takes to kind words like a fish to water. The more people tell her how amazing she is, the more amazing she seems to become.

"Micchan, you'll be a great hero one day too! Maybe a healer, like Recovery girl!"

And Micchan starts healing all the bruises and scraped knees that her little kindergartener peers acquire just because she can. Just because she is the only one that can.

"Micchan, you're so pretty! I wish I was as pretty as you!"

And Micchan starts wearing frilly socks and sparkly little earrings to school. She does her hair in various hairstyles, and when the other girls come to admire her work she offers to do their too, and like that, the girls will always follow Micchan over anyone else.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2021 ⏰

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