Day 1: Truth Or Dare (Harry and Dougie)

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*OTP Prompt with Harry and Dougie*

-I kinda stole the idea of a Pinterest 'Imagine your OTP' most of them will be like that anyway...props to the author :)-
*I can imagine Harry being person A and Dougie person B in the image I saw so..I will make it like that*

Harry: Truth Or Dare?

Dougie: *exasperated* Truth

Harry: Do you want to kiss me?

Dougie: Dare-

Harry: *Leans In* I Dare you to kiss me.

Dougie: *stutters* never have I ever-

Harry: Dougs, that's not the game! I dare you to kiss me.

Dougie: *Gets up and heads for the door* I dare you to catch me first! Bye!

Harry: *Gets up and runs after him* oh you little-

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