Day 3: They Love Me, They Love Me Not.. (Tom and Harry)

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*Person A: Tom
Person B: Harry*
(Tom is sitting in a field doing They love me, They love me not with a clover to pass the time)

Tom: They love me, they love me not, they love me...

(He picks another one)

Tom: They love me, they love me not, they love me...

(He picks another one)

Tom: They Lo-huh? This is?..

(After thinking, Tom goes over to Harry)

Tom: Hey Haz, I found this for you.

(Tom hands Harry the clover)

Harry: You Did? Awh thanks! You know I love four leaf clovers!

Tom: You're welcome~

(Tom goes back to where he was sat before and picks another one, making sure it was a three-leaf clover this time)

Tom: They love me...They Love Me Not....

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