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Author: stephenie Meyer

Description: Twilight is a book about a girl called Bella Swan who moved in with her father from Arizona to a town called forks where she meets a guy called Edward. Bella immediately thinks that there's something weird about, and it turns out he's a vampire while playing baseball with him and his family other vampires find her and decide that they want to kill her. In the second book Edward leaves for Bella's safety and she is absolutely heartbroken but her friend Jacob black who is a werewolf helps her and he falls in love with her but she still in love with Edward. Edward called  her house one day and Jacob was there and Jacob told Edward that Bella was dead. Edward was heartbroken so he went to try to kill himself but Bella stopped him.
In in the third book Bella and Edward get engaged and a vampire cold Victoria makes an army to try to kill Bella and Edward as revenge.
In the last book Edward and Bella get married Bella gets pregnant and because the baby is half vampire it nearly kills Bella so Edward has to turn her into a vampire. and because technically the child is half vampire half human the rulers of the vampire think it's not safe and there's a big war over that.

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