From Heaven to Hell

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The demon peaked around a tree, twirling the end of his signature noodle of bright red hair around one finger as he watched his pray. He licked his lips and smiled at the delicious sight before him. 

Just as his pray was getting ready to perform their essential function, he sauntered out from behind the tree, swaying his hips in just the right way to make his robes swish and give an enticing view of his milky white thighs. 

“Oh, Jotaro! Darling! It’s been far too long my pet!”

The angel jumped, shaken out of his deep concentration, causing the blessing he was about to bestow on his human charge to fizzle and pop out of existence. Before he could correct the error, the human ran off, breaking the moment needed for this particular blessing to work.

Jotaro sighed and turned to the demon, who quickly hugged him in a most inappropriate manner, “Kakyoin…hello. It’s not been that long. I remember you ruining a similar blessing just last week.” He said, attempting to keep his heavenly demeanor and absolutely not hugging the demon back.

“Oh, my sweet, water under the bridge.” Kakyoin purred, looking up at the beautiful angel with a playful smile as he ran his hands up and down Jotaro’s back, “Besides, I missed you, my pet. Also, I heard a bit of news…you got a promotion!” Kakyoin said raising up, aiming to kiss the angel on the lips but only managing to kiss his cheek when Jotaro looked away. Kakyoin gave a mock pout, “Anyway, Archangel Kujo now, huh? We should celebrate! Perhaps test out those upgraded wings?” the demon paused and gave Jotaro his most sultry stare, “Did anything else get an upgrade?”

Finally having enough of the demons’ antics, Jotaro pushed him away, “What do you want, Kakyoin?”

Kakyoin circled around behind him, running his hands gently over the now golden flecked wings of the angel, “Darling, you know what I want. The same thing I’ve wanted since time began. You, my sweet Jojo. I want you.”

“You know that can’t happen.”

Kakyoin moved back around to face Jotaro, batting his eyelashes innocently, “I don’t see why not. What would it hurt for us to have a little fun?”

“I’m an angel, you’re a demon. That’s just how it is.”

“But it doesn’t have to be that way, my pet…”

Jotaro sighed as he looked into Kakyoin’s lavender eyes, “Yes it does. You made your choice and I made mine.”

“Ugh! Why do you always have to go back to that? It was soooooo long ago.”

“Because it matters. There’s a reason angels and demons don’t interact, Kakyoin. We’re…”

“You say that, yet here we are…interacting. If it’s forbidden, why do you continue to speak to me?”
Jotaro just stared at him.

“You want the same thing. Just admit it, Jojo. You know it’s true!”

“No. It’s not. I do not seek desires of the flesh as you do.”

Kakyoin scoffed, “What else is there?”

Again, Jotaro sighed, “Nothing you’ve ever understood, Nori…”

Kakyoin flinched at the sound of his old nickname, “Don’t call me that! Never call me that!” he hissed, taking steps back away from the angel. 

Jotaro stepped forward and offered his hand, “I still believe in you, Nori. It’s not too late…”

Kakyoin hissed again, baring his now razor-sharp teeth. His eyes had changed from their original lavender to deep pools of black abyss. Red and black wings spread out from his back and began moving just enough to let him hover a foot or so off the ground. A roar tore itself from the demon’s throat, the force of it causing Jotaro to take a step back to keep his balance. With that, Kakyoin shot up into the air before turning into a nosedive aimed at Jotaro. 
The angel just watched the demon’s tantrum, unmoving even as Kakyoin sped down towards him.

A split second before he would have hit Jotaro, the redhead changed trajectory and disappeared into the ground barely a foot in front of Jotaro, leaving a growing circle of dying grass where he’d passed through. 

Jotaro stood and stared at the ring of dead grass for a long moment before kneeling down and placed his hand on the exact spot Kakyoin had passed through. Seconds later the dead grass was replaced with a small blooming cherry tree.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Nov 07, 2021 ⏰

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