Ch.2 Suspicion

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Maeno POV


Ken-kun and I were standing on Yumeno's doorstep ringing the doorbell, after a minute or two he opened the door. He looked terrible; puffy dark circles under his eyes and his hair was a mess. Of course I said as much.

"You look like you were hit by a truck!"

"Maeno!" came Ken's shocked reaction to my perfect assessment.

"Please come in, excuse the mess" Yumeno spoke, or should I say croaked, he sounded worse than he did on the phone.

When Yumeno said mess I thought some papers left out or, ink stains on the table, or something mundane that wouldn't bother us too much. When we walked in it was a mess, a real mess, furniture askew, a pile of dishes in the sink a mile high, and something that smelled suspiciously like burnt curry.

Ken, firmly believing in privacy, simply asked to see the manuscript. I on the other hand was not so concerned with politeness and privacy.

"What happened here?" came my comment.

"Haven't had time to clean, too busy" Yumeno slurred as he handed over the manuscript.

"Anyway, where is Chibi-chan?" I said, completely ignoring his comment about cleaning. Yumeno's eyes went wide, a combination of shock, anger, and sorrow could be seen on the teen's face.

His face hardens, presenting the same stoic visage he always does. "Not here" he replied, clearly annoyed.

Ken, noticing this change in the manga-ka quickly changed the subject back to the original reason for the visit, "the manuskript looks good, there are some grammar issues on page seven but I'm sure you can fix them" he finished handing back the manuscript.

"Ah, I'll get right to it" he said looking at ken

I held out the cheesecake still in my hand "Give this to Chibi-chan the next time you see her" I said. He stared blankly at me before his face turned harsh and he snached the cake out of my hand.

We left the apartment and headed up the stairs to Miyako's.

I looked over to Ken "Did you notice something odd about Yumeno today?"

"It was a little strange that his apartment was such a mess, but I don't see how that is our concern" Ken stated.

"I guess, but I was thinking about his reactions whenever Chibi-chan was brought up" I pointed out.

Ken thought about this for a second. "I suppose but I still don't see how it is any of our concern"

"I just thought it was strange that's all, maybe they got into a fight or something" I wondered.

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