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Woody's life went on as any normal toy...with exceptions. Normal toys didn't constantly worry every step they took was the wrong one. Normal toys didn't think of all the near death experiences they had taken for their family, only to leave them. Normal toys didn't deal with the guilt or stress of feeling you had betrayed someone...Woody desperately wanted to be like those normal toys.

Lotso, true to his name, had been a brilliant, soft, fluffy rock for Woody, hugging everything out of him when he needed it. Sunday, the oldest toy Woody had ever known, existing long before the sheriff, always had a good word to put in. All of Ramona's toys were so nice...Woody was starting to feel at home again.

Bo was definitely right about one thing. sometimes, you just needed to start out anew. Just like they had done with Bonnie.

Speaking of Bonnie, Woody's curiosity over her had grown. He wanted to make sure she was doing okay, especially his friends. Ramona often took Woody or some other favorite toy with her everywhere. She treated them like real people, getting up in the night if she heard one of them fall out of bed, giving kisses to them when she worried they were hurt r sad or lonely. Woody wanted to be sure his friends were getting the same kind of treatment.

But why would they want to see him again?

He'd left them. Twice. Intended forever. Maybe three times?...He'd lost track. He was a jealous, selfish, bossy, insecure toy. No one would want to see him again.

It was time to start a new life, with a new Woody.

But sooner or later, the past catches up to you.

Belle skipped about her room, happily packing toys into a bag. Buzz, Jessie, and the others watched fondly as she sang one of her favorite songs. Belle had so much to her, just like her friend, Ramona. They wished she wasn't so shy. She had so much to give to the world, and those two girls were capable of pulling off something great.

Jessie, Buzz, Buttercup, Potato Head, Rex, Pricklepants and Trixie ended up flopping into a large, pink cloth bag for Belle's latest playdate. Hollering a fast goodbye to her mother, the little girl hurried out into the crisp, fall air, eagerly flying down the street. The toys smiled at each other. Apparently, Belle and Ramona were both very excited about the newest project they were working on together.

Ramona's house always smelled like Christmas. There were whiffs of cinnamon in the air, combined with candy canes and pine. Ramona's mother had liked these scents very much. So did her father.

The girls greeted each other with their signature excitement, and all the toys were left in Ramona's room until they were needed. Right now, the duo was working on a book of their own, and the toys played a crucial role---the characters. They would be needed soon.

As Belle and Ramona hurried into the playroom to being their new pages, Buzz took Jessie's hand and helped her out of the bag. "The way those two work is a marvel to science."

Rex hopped out. "I think it's flattering that they want to make a book about us."

Buzz nodded. Belle and Ramona's playtimes were magic, and thy way they incorporated their toys into their personal projects was astounding to him. They were the only children he knew of who used their toys for big, sometimes grownup projects, like acting out scenes in a book.

"It's been so long since we were at Ramona's house." Jessie looked around. "Where are the Alice in Wonderland crew, or Lou and Mandy?"

Buzz put a hand on his hip. "Looks like we've got all afternoon to find our old friends."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2021 ⏰

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