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Boots decided to go out adventuring with himself for once.

Dora had really pissed the monkey human hybrid off this morning when she said that she didn't want to have a stupid monkey of a friend following her around.

That how the team split up. Because Dora was too embarrassed to keep a monkey hybrid around as her friend now that she was 16.

As boots walked around the woods he could hear the rustling of something. At first we thought it was the wind blowing in the trees, but as he walked more it seemed as if somebody was following him and he knew exactly who it was.

"Stop following me swiper, I'm not in the mood." Boots mumbled loud enough for the fox hybrid to hear.

Swiper came out of the trees with a sly smirk on his face, but boots didn't have anything he could steal, he couldn't even steal his red boots anymore as he had in a rage took them off and threw them at his betraying ex best friend.

"Swiper please leave me alone." Boots said to the sly fox.

Boots though of the only way he knew to get the fox to leave him alone so he said the word he had said since he was only a child.

"Swiper no swiping, swiper no sw-" but it was to late, swiper had in a flash grabbed the monkey by his wrist and covers his mouth with his hand.

Swiper was standing behind boot his warm breath fanning over boots neck making him unwillingly shiver.

"Swiper..." boots practically pleaded in a last hope to get the fox to let him go.

Swiper leaned towing putting his lip to boots neck, gently kissing the warm flesh beneath.

Boots let out a inaudible nose as Swiper kiss his pale skin tenderly.

"I'm gonna swipe something alright, but what I'm swiping was always mine." Swiper said using the hand that wasn't hold boots mouth captive under his shirt no his nipples rubbing on them making boots moan.

"I'm gonna take you home, pin you to my bed, and fuck your cute little ass all night long little monkey."


This was just for shits and giggles. It was pretty fun though

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