The Beginning

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With no time left I started to run has fast as my legs could possibly carry. It was cold and the wind was blowing, forcing me to move with the deranged weather has I stumbled across this snowy area that lead to no where. What was I running from? Where am I at? So many questions that where leading to no answers. As the wind was carrying me away I heard a voice "Wake up y/n." "Wake up!!".

All of a sudden I wake up with my heart pounding and an older woman looking at me worried. "Again?" I replied in a trembled voice "Yes.." The old woman was Mrs. Widow, had her hair in a sloppy bun and dressed in a plain white shirt and plain white jeans like she does every day. She was one of the foster care employees that watched after all the children. Mrs. Widow spoke in a much brighter tone "Well todays the day." I perked up excitingly knowing that it's the finale day that I get to leave foster care! I was officially turning 18, meaning I'm a grown adult and that I could finally be able to depart from this place I call hell.

But let me start off on how I even begin here, when I was around the age 6 my parents had gotten into a car accident and where deceased. I was then sent into a orphanage where I was foster cared. I didn't have much experience in socializing with other people outside the orphanage and to be fair no one liked me anyway. I don't
remember anything besides my friend Michel who didn't talk much but always had time to hang out. But of course it has been awhile so he probably doesn't remember me.

I begin to get dressed into some light blue high wasted ripped mom jeans with a (F/C) crop top and with some white Nike Air Forces.Putting my (H/C) into a better looking messy bun then Mrs. Widow. I sigh and start packing my things kind of slowly, thinking on where I should go. Not knowing what else is in the society I decided that I should go to my old home town Haddonfield. I walk out of my room and Mrs. Widow gave me a hug and handed me a white envelope that was filled with all of my parents money, "You might need this on your trip or you might just turn out homeless." I smiled and thanked her, and took off for a hell of a journey.
Thank you so much for reading, should I continue?

Michael Myers x Reader (Discontinued intell Summer)Where stories live. Discover now