Meeting Michel

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It was around the time of 6:30 pm I just arrived at Haddonfield, Going past all of the houses in town I recognized Michels old house, it was and old run down white house that was covered in moss and dirt. It shocked me on how much I could hardly remember anything. Soon after the drive was over I see a house for rent that was right beside Michels old house that I drove by earlier. It was a modern looking home that looked like no one has been in for a long time. I quickly get out of the car and look at the sign that says for rent to see any phone number available. I didn't see anything so I decided to go knock on Michels house maybe he still lives there.

  Has I knock on the door people began to stare at me. It was in a super uncomfortable situation that made me start to wonder what was going on, why where there people staring? Did something happen to Michel? Has I don't get a response from the door I turn around to go back to the other house. But shockingly I get grabbed by the wrist and dragged into the house. My heart beating fast and filled with fear not knowing what was happening. Was I going to die? I get turned around to see a tall 6'7 Male with a mask on and a blue jumper suit. He looked at me and tilted his head like he was confused. Still freaking out on what's happening tears roll down my eyes and my whole body quivering.

   He continued to hold me by the wrist tightly. With tears running down my face I try to unravel my wrist from his grasp but he was to strong for me to even do anything at all. I scream and yell but nothing happing, nothing is changing. He takes me upstairs through the hall into one of the rooms with a bed and sets me onto the bed. I craw back to the other end of the bed and put my knees up to my chest trembling in fear not knowing what's going on. After about two minutes of sobbing while he hovers  on the other side of the bed I look up at him. He points his finger on the bed giving me a warning to stay here and not move. I nod not knowing what else to do. I could escape through the window but by the time I do he would come back.

  About three minutes later,he comes back with a pen and paper. It had a note on it saying "What's your name?" I look at him has he just gives me a death stare and I replied with a shaking voice "y-y/n." He looks at me with more passion this time, I could not really tell a difference from the mask but in his eyes he has a much calmer expression. He grabs the paper again and wrights something down and hands it back. I take a look at it and it replied "It's me Michael." I look up at him in shock and climb to the other side of the bed where he's at and hug him.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2022 ⏰

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