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💖hot pink💖

nick was leaning over oliver's seat looking over at the gps they had been in the car for atleast hour and they were starting to get a little impatient. "Oliver just speed up a little" he said messing with a bit of oliver's hair. "noah you can total your own car not mine" noah rolled his eyes and sat back in his seat scrolling throught his playlist. "guys we can just chill we're almost there-" nick sat back into his seat looking between the map and his friends in the car. 

nick looked out of the window looking at the few homes and other buildings pass quickly the drive to and from was going to be hell but he needed a social life and this "will be best party in the state" after what seemed like forever the car stopped. the boys stepped out of the car popping the trunk and grabbing some topical 'teen party in the middle of nowhere' stuff. firewood, alcohol fireworks, and other questionable stuff. nick grabbed a handful with the others oliver closed the trunk as they headed into the semi wooded area and boy was it a sight.

there was almost everything you would see in some weird highschool movie. cars, liquor, girls, and a big ass bone fire even red solo cups it was something out of a movie, but you've seen movies. but one of the thing that stood out was a hot pink sports car.

💖hot pink💖

nick kept side eying the car he wasn't a car guy but it was a nice car even he knew that. he set the stuff down on the folded up table he followed the group like a lost puppy they were talking about something but he wasn't entirely paying attention he kept eyeing the car. there were a few girls leaning on the hood some guys were talking to them, the girl on the checkered top looked annoying she popped her gum eyeing the girl to her left. one of the guys pressed his hand against the car. she was at her breaking point as she slapped his hand off the car "get your grubby ass hands off my car" he glared at her red cup in hand "listen you used daddy's money to buy this car and you can use it again to get another one bitch"

💖hot pink💖

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2021 ⏰

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