Who Is This?

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"Hey, is Autumn there?" I was worried as this was the first time hearing a guy answer her phone. It was normally one of her roommates and sometimes her best friend, but this was a new experience and I did not know how to react. I could tell he had the phone away from him, but it sounded muffled and whatnot, "Hey Autumn... hm... wake up sleepy head, someone's on the other end... have them call tomorrow. We were having fun... okay... Sorry about that but she is currently occupied at the moment... hehe... anywho try calling again tomorrow." "Okay, but tell Autumn that me and Snow kissed tonight," I heard him repeat and instantly there was a tussle as the phone was snatched from him.

"You kissed Snow!? What lead to the moment!? Tell me everything that went down starting with when you left with him," Autumn was suddenly energetic and I couldn't stop myself from laughing. "Calm down, first what's going on with you?" I was eager to figure out who he was before I shared any information with Autumn. "Oh my cousin, we were watching some movies and I might've gotten a little sleepy," She was talking as if she was never asleep or tired. "Okay, anywho tonight was amazing," I heard him talk but couldn't determine what it was that he said. Autumn giggled and I heard a pillow hit her, "So tell me about this kiss and what happened."

We ended up talking for about an hour and a half before Autumn hung up to get to sleep so she could get enough rest before her class tomorrow. I laid down in bed, thinking of how amazing the night was, but it was over now and now I had to wait for the next date. It felt like it was going to be forever and I didn't want to wait for the next date to have a good time. I eventually fell asleep and it was a very exciting dream about what the next date was going to be.

 . . .

(Ethan's POV)

It was nice to have my car back for the weekend since I could drive anywhere without worrying about missing a lesson or class that was scheduled perfectly into my life. I found a little place by the road that looked like a gas station, but it didn't have any gas and just had some snacks for the road. I walked on in and was greeted by two excited girls, both seemed to be eager to get guests at this time of day.

"Hello, welcome to Mindy's and Cindy's Convenience Store, the first official station for dragonfolk to stop at. What can we do for you?" The first girl spoke, with her hair dyed a light purple and her skin looking extremely pale, as if she spent her entire time in the store. "I just wanted to see what this place was since it looked like a gas station I was just a little confused," Mindy and Cindy both were disappointed with me, and one of them walked back to the other end of the counter where she pulled out her phone and started texting. "W-we're sorry, but we don't sell gas since the major corporations refuse to give it to two girls in the middle of nowhere who are trying to serve dragonfolk. The nearest gas station is about eight miles north, just take the first left and you'll be there," she was clearly upset and I didn't want to give her the wrong idea that I just came here for gas, so I started walking around the store looking at the products they sold. Beef Jerky, sunscreen, pillows, umbrellas with little holes to allow air to pass through but not rain, headphones, corn dogs, but the strangest was a series of comic books about this medieval land with dragons, one of the earliest signs of our heritage.

"So... you just sell stuff that dragonfolk might need on their adventure to who knows where? With snacks, sunscreen, and that sort of stuff. Well, it's cool that your doing that, but remember that dragonfolk are just like ordinary people, you can't tell you've met one unless they show that they have their wings," both of them looked at me a little curiously and I continued, "I bet if you sold everything like a convenience store, then you will be allowed to become a gas station, maybe even have another building built nearby because people will realize that what you're doing is profitable."

"We could, but we almost have no money left and we know that our parents won't be willing to finance this anymore. Trying to run a business like this is much tougher than you think dude," the girl at the register was still texting and she looked at me, "So are you going to buy anything, or are you waiting for a tow truck to get you out of this situation?"

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