Chapter 1: The Memory

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-The Jedi Temple- Chapter cover art by rashomik on DevianArt from Pinterest. 

A lone figure sat in a simple wicker chair, deep in thought. His aged amber eyes watched as his fingers grazed an ancient sacred weapon. A bell tolled nearby, breaking his concentration on it. He straightened himself up and returned his weapon to his side. The classroom door to his left opened, and the young adolescence children filed into the semi-lit room. They each took turns and bowed at their master before taking their place on the woven mats. The students quietly chattered among themselves until they noticed their master's authoritative gaze. All conversation ceased.

"Hello, my students." he greeted them, "I trust that your break got all of those restless jitters away, and you are able to concentrate on our lesson today?"

The students nodded in response. His left dimple appeared as he cracked a smile, "Very good. Let us begin by positioning ourselves in a matter that helps us to concentrate."

They adjusted themselves to the proper meditating positions; legs crossed, forefinger on thumbs.The master hovered around adjusting positions with his instructional baton, taping them here and there, until his students achieved the standard meditation position.

"Well done." he said, resuming to his mat at the front. It was then that he noticed an empty mat; someone was missing. Not just any someone... "Cassandra, have you seen your brother lately?"A girl fluttered her amber eyes open, "Umm no Father, I mean Master Thomas, he mentioned to me that he was going to get some food with his friends at the market, and then he would be back in time for class."

A tired sigh escaped from Thomas as he ran a hand over his face. How can his two children, albeit twins, be so different? "That boy has a lot of explaining to do when he gets back."She tucked a strain of golden hair back and gulped. If only their Father knew what her twin brother was actually up to, he would be in deeper trouble than he already was with him.

In the middle of the city..."Go Droid 269, beat the Red 3000!" cheered a few adolescent boys in a crowd.

Two mini droids raced each other on a worn out track. Red 3000 started picking up speed. The boys watched their older opponent wear a sneer as he pushed his thumb on his joystick, "Today's victory will be mine!" he boasted.

"Speedster, he's whizzing right past us! The finish line is up ahead. Do something!" a stunted Lepi boy fretted, tugging at his long floppy ears.

A boy wearing a brown cloak, sat cross legged as his amber eyes tracked his Droid 269. It looked scraper compared to the round, smooth droid of Red 3000, but nonetheless his droid held possible potential to win.

"No need to fret Max." Speedster said, sending him a sly grin. His right index finger hovered over a button on his controls.

"Giving up, cloak boy?" taunted the older teenager with the shades who sat opposite of the race track.

"This is not over yet, Red Dash!" retorted Speedster, the ones on the controls. His Droid 269 produced an extra set of wheels, causing it to speed past Red 3000 on the mini racecourse, pushing past the finish line.

There were a great cheer from the blended crowd, mixed with some grumblings and curses from the others.

"Nice going dude!" the one with blue skin, a Pantoran, complimented his victorious friend, earning him a hearty pat to the back.

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