On The Dot

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(Hey, hi, hello, this is my first wattpad post. The fact that it's Javey should tell you everything you need to know about me)

Davey's feet pounded on the sidewalk, his heavy bag smacking him in the hip with every stride. His head whipped back and forth, trying in vain to spot a trace of his little brother. Dammit. Turn your back for one second to answer a classmates question and Les had already hoofed it into the heart of the grimy city. Someone should put a leash on that kid.
He ran frantic hands through his hair as his cries became louder, cursing the fact he had inherited all the tall genes.

"Hey! What's the hurry, fella?"
Davey turned at the familiar voice. Jack Kelly, sporting an easy grin, was waving his arm wildly over his head to grab the other boys attention, his other hand grasping Les' as they approached.

"I believe this is yours." Jack said, letting go of Les' hand and giving him a little push on the back. Les ran over to his big brother, grinning ear to ear.
"Hey Davey! I found Jack!" He pointed wildly at the Newsie. "I saw him sellin' papes just now and I ran to say hi!"
"Yeah, I can see that." Davey laid a heavy hand on his little brothers head, ruffling his hair. "But Jack Kelly or not, Les, you gotta stay near me, okay?"
"I know my way around this city!" Les pushed his hand away indignantly, earning a laugh from the other boys.

"So Davey," Jack stepped towards him, still grinning haughtily. "Haven't seen you around the square, recently. You bored of us or somethin'?"
Davey smiled and pushed Jack's hat down past his eyes.
"School, folks, don't you remember? I got a life outside of the Newsies."
"I'm offended you would imply that I don't," Jack sighed dramatically, taking off his hat and running his fingers through his hair. "At least buy a pape from me while you're here? Or do I gotta starve tonight?"
Davey chuckled and reached into his pocket, pulling out some change and handing it over.
"Alright, alright, but you're twisting my arm."
Jack pocketed the coins and handed Davey a newspaper with a flourish.
"There you are, sweetheart."

Davey's heart skipped a beat. Sweetheart? Obviously it was a joke, but the way Jack said it made him feel.... Nope. Definitely not. It was just a joke. And Davey got jokes. He could tell the difference..... right?

"Hey Davey," Les piped up, pulling the taller boy out of his thoughts. "Me and Jack was talkin and he said Specs made a slingshot yesterday! Please can I go shoot it? Pleaseeeeee?" Les pouted out his bottom lip, his eyes big and pleading. Damn. That kid sure knew how to pull at Davey's heartstrings.
"Oh, alright." Davey relented. "But we meet at Newsies Square, 10 pm on the dot to go home. We don't want mom and pop to worry. You got that?"
Les nodded enthusiastically.
"Yes sir!!"
And with that, his kid brother was off like a shot, running to the street corner where a couple other Newsies were hawking headlines. Davey watched him go, sighing. At least he knew Les was safe with the others.

Jack tapped him on the shoulder, making him turn.
"So, how's about we take it easy at Medda's for a bit?"
Davey raised an eyebrow.
"Bowery? Jack, that was all well and good when we were out organizing the strike, but do you really think we should sneak in and-"
"Sneak in?" Jack gasped, putting a hand to his chest in feign offense. "She knows we're comin'! Besides, Les is out with Specs, I got no papes left on accounta you bought the last one, and I'd be surprised you got anything goin on now you ain't babysitting your bruddah." He smirked and leaned in, his nose almost touching Davey's. "Besides, I's still technically the president of the Newsboys Union, so you gots'ta do what I say."
Davey blushed.
"That's not how being a president works. And I'm not a newsboy anymore."
Jack poked his chest, making him flush harder.
"C'monnnnn, I gotta talk to yous anyway."
"Oh, alright," Davey sighed. "But I don't see why you couldn't just talk to me here."
Jack smiled.
"Good man. Come on!" The Newsie grabbed Davey's hand and started leading him through town.

On The Dot (Javey oneshot)Where stories live. Discover now