Chapter 13:

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Chapter 13:

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Chapter 13:

It had been a few weeks since Daytona.     They were getting ready to head to Loudon NH for the race there and it was Eden's birthday.    She was packed and ready to go.    She was woken up when Chase came into the room with the kids in tow. 

"Breakfast for the birthday girl." Chase says.

"Aww thank you baby." Eden says.

"Happy birf day mama." Chase and Casey both say.

"Yesh Happy bir day." Liam and Izzy say.

"Thanks my babies." Eden says scooping them up snuggling them.    They smother her in kisses.   

They give her their presents they made her and she accepts them putting them aside.     Chase sits down and they eat together.    The kids had already eaten and headed out to play.

"Are you ready to go?" Chase asks.

"Yes I am all packed." Eden replies.

"Good.   After breakfast we will head to Loudon.    We are going to drop the kids off with mom and dad for a few hours.    I have something fun planned just for my birthday angel." Chase says.

"I can't wait.   I love surprises." Eden says.

She had a surprise of her own for him.   She had her check up with the doctor and she was cleared for everything.    They finish eating and Chase takes the dishes down.    Eden gets up and leashes Fletcher and the dogs.     Chase comes back up and grabs the luggage.   They head downstairs.   Chase loads the luggage into the car and gets the dogs in.    They then tag team and get the kid in as well.     They head out to the airstrip.   They park and they all get on the plane.   Once they were clear they take off for New Hampshire.

   Once they were clear they take off for New Hampshire

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