Bottled Up

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"You won't win, you'll never win!" ladybug sternly proclaims to the monster towering over her.

"I NEVER COMPLETED MY PILE!" It screams. Chat Noir lets out a slight giggle and uses his stick to catapult onto the back of the creature. He uses his cataclysm to break the akumatized object as ladybugs yoyo springs up to catch it.

"Lucky charm!" she yells as chat noir admires her beauty. They cheer after their new accomplishment, this being the tallest villain they've ever defeated.

"Well, that's a new one for the record book M'lady!" He says in glee

"It's all you kitty, I'm only 4'11! I'd reach his knee if I was lucky." They both laughed when she said this. Chat Noir has always found it funny how petite Ladybug is. They happily pound their fists together and write down the villain's name in their handmade record book.

"Dominator... Reactonator.... The ginormous banana guy that I don't even know the name of" Ladybug reads through sarcastically. Chat Noir quietly laughs thinking about how cute she is. Ladybug swiftly looks down at her watch and sighs.

"I'm sorry kitty, I have to go. It's past my curfew, I have school tomorrow, I have this SUPER long essay that I haven't f-"

"It's okay, don't worry. I understand you have a life outside of this fantasy." Chat says reassuringly.

"Thank you Chat." She says with a tiny smirk. She kisses him on the cheek and zooms away. "Bug out!" He hears in the distance. Chat Noir opens his stick and flies back to his so-called jail cell.

"Claws in"

"Now listen, you're getting a little selfish. This cat needs to eat!" Plagg says angrily, opening the cheese drawer.

"I'm sorry Plagg," Adrien sadly says. "Ladybug is just so charming!"

"Pun intended?" Plagg laughs while gulping down several pounds of cheese. Adrien rolls his eyes and plops down on his bed. While supervising plagg, he hears a "bing" and realizes he got a message. He curiously picks up his phone to see an invitation from his father

"Join us for Emilie's 10th anniversary. Please proceed to wear black attire for this gathering on November 7th. Emilie would appreciate your presence."

At that moment, Adrien broke down. He started sobbing, ripping out his hair, stomping aggressively, and crying even louder. The Agreste house was soundproof, so he didn't think about the noise that was being caused in his room. He pulled a large tub full of clothes out from under his bed and pulled out a large knife. He slashed his arms, over and over, 5 times to be exact. He watched the blood drip from his arms onto his floor. Plagg was currently sleeping inside the cheese box, luckily not witnessing any of this. This was a common occurrence. Adrien's father makes him take many vitamins, so his arms stop bleeding quickly. His vitamins didn't cure the scars though. Nobody ever saw behind the scenes of his life. Everybody viewed him not having a mother as a personality trait, but it was more than that to him. It was a tragedy, it was something he couldn't help and something that has traumatized him. It's all he can think about other than his emotional attachment to Ladybug. Being Chat Noir has been his escape and the only thing that takes his mind off of it. But mostly Ladybug. Ladybug was the part of Chat Noir that physically and mentally completed him. He always wants her. As much as she tells him to get over her, he never can and he knows that.

"Plagg, we're going to visit Ladybug."

Adrien hops out of bed and transforms. He opens his cat phone and calls ladybug. Over, and over, and over again. It's not until about the 27'th time that she answers...


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