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TW:Draco will be talking bad about him self so warning to readers who are sensitive to this topic and remember YOU ARE ALL BEAUTIFUL/HANDSOM/PREFERRED AND I LOVE YOU!

You were in your shared room, waiting for draco to come back from his classes. You were playing studying for you test for potions. Then you heard draco coming in angrily.
"Oh hi dray!.. uh you okay love?"
*He looked at you with a look that crushed your heart* So you go up to him and rub is head. *He walked to the mirror and looked at himself* "Why the hell do I look so scrawny?" "Ugh why cant a be like blaise"He said looking at himself and whispered the last thing.
"What? What do you mean? You're not scrawny your perfect? Where did this come from.." You said. "Blaise... he-he said the only reason your dating me is for popularity and that I am so skinny no one would love me I'm just a fucking stupid bully that no one will ever love.."
He said. Your eyes teared up. "Baby, dont say that omfg I'm gonna kill that mf.. but before.. love you're the love of my life! You're so handsome! Darling, your not scrawny and idfc about popularity i feel so safe in your arms i love you so much please dont say that.."
*He smiled a bit* "Thank you my love"
"Wanna cuddle..?" "Of course baby girl/boy/or just baby." *You got in bed a cuddled* His hands wrapped around your waist his head in you're hair and you're legs wrapped him and your hands also wrapped around him. "I love you darling" he said. "Awe.. I love you more baby.." Then you feel asleep in a peaceful sleep.

Draco Malfoy One shots Where stories live. Discover now