a letter to a lady.

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to the helpful lady.

          its been a while since our last encounter. your help have been very much appreciated. however. I'm still not well. I'm struggling its getting easier to leave my house. its getting easier to stay above the waves. a tightrope. it feels as though I'm walking on a tight rope above an ocean. trying to get across what seems an everlasting sea. yet i still fall. i still drown. and its hard. its hard to walk across such a fine line safely. please. please don't give up on me. im trying i truly am. please don't let me fall. please walk with me. help me make this rope wider. hold my hand. help me get to the other side. for is only my perspective that makes this journey across the rope so long. im talking to new people. im trying my best ti reach out. if i know more people i will not slip into nothing. i will become someone's memory. but will i know them? when do i get to know too many? when do i stop? when do i breath? death.. its a difficult subject yet i think about it often. i don't want to die. i wish to live to because someone. to strive and to thrive. but its so hard. when i fall and the weight of ocean holds me back. i need the strength i need help i need you..please miss dont go please miss continue to help. please..


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2021 ⏰

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