28 || Don't Force It

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Namjoon POV

I no longer look forward to going home at the end of my work day. I try to work as much overtime as I possibly can, or I take a long walk around the neighborhood to prevent my feet from crossing the doorstep of my apartment.

The apartment I share with a woman who no longer finds me useful.

After Amèlie's passing, Sena allowed me to grieve for almost two weeks before asking when I would begin the search for another partner. She wasn't getting any younger, she said, and the time to give her a child is now.

I refuse to tell Sena she would have been a mother if the accident hadn't happened. As the days pass, Sena's temper becomes shorter and shorter with me mostly because of the shortage of unpartnered women I meet.

I have gradually spent more and more time with Alana just to feel some type of female affection even if it isn't romantic. There has been more than a time or two where I've lied to Sena and told her I was scouting for a new partner when in actuality I was upstairs cradled in Alana's arms like a big ass baby, crying my eyes out over the loss of a woman I'd fallen in love with and our child I'd only found out existed.

Today is a rare occasion. Work has put an end to overtime temporarily, Alana is spending the evening with her family, and a freak rainstorm means I have no other choice but to go home on time no matter how much I'd rather not.

Standing frozen beside the front door in utter shock at the sounds coming from Sena's bedroom, I debate on making my presence known. A loud female moan bounces off of the apartment walls followed by a gasp and a different female moan.

I walk to Sena's open bedroom door to find she and another woman sitting on the edge of her bed. The red haired woman has one of her hands inside of Sena's pants and her face is buried in the top of Sena's blouse over her right breast.

Sena's head is tossed back as another wail of pleasure erupts from her throat and she clenches the woman's shoulder. She raises her head, biting her lower lip, with a whimper.

I return to the front door. Slamming it shut this time, I make sure my presence is known.

"Sena? Are you home?"

I hear the women whisper and shuffle, most likely making themselves presentable for my unexpected arrival. I don't immediately head to Sena's bedroom; I wait to see if she replies to my call first.

"Namjoon? You-you're home early." Sena appears in the living room with her mate in tow.

"Yeah, I am. You have company."

"Yes. Uhm, Talia this is Namjoon." Sena waves her hand between Talia and I as she speaks. "Namjoon this is.. Talia."

I hold my left hand out for Talia to shake. I know she won't accept it because her left hand was just down my girlfriend's pants and she knows I can smell Sena's arousal on her fingers.

Talia nods to me, tucking her fingers into her back pockets. "Nice to meet you Namjoon. I've heard a lot about you."

I drop my hand back to my side with a smirk. "Well that makes one of us."

"Talia just stopped by to return something she borrowed but she's leaving now. Isn't that right, Tal?" Sena nudges Talia towards the door.

Talia frowns at Sena, obviously confused by the rush to leave. "I, uh, I guess so."

"Talia doesn't have to rush off on my account. I mean I don't mind that she borrowed my girlfriend, but it didn't sound like you'd gotten off yet, Sena, and I'm sure Talia would like to finish the job."

..but I still want you // OT7 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now