The Bringers of Death

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       As the silver headed mermaid slept, the world around her grew agitated. The waves that were once calm developed into hateful bringers of death. The sky that was once a magnificent blue turned into a damnable grey. The peace and quiet that the mermaid once enjoyed turned into an unending force of rain and wind. 

        When the storm ultimately awoke the sleeping mermaid with its oppressive wind and rain. She looked around her to see the danger she was in. Being able to breathe underwater was useful but it didn't stop her from getting torn to pieces between the rocks. As she leapt into the cold water below she got a glimpse of something on the horizon. It looked like a ship, but who in their right mind would head for Debris Cove when there was a storm raging on? It was known to humans and mermaids alike to be a dangerous zone, with its sharp rocks and how rough the waters can get. It is also known to be a place where mermaids are seen. Whoever they are, they must be crazy to roll the dice like that.

         The silver headed mermaid started to head to the coast of the small island that her and her sisters made home. As she swam and dodged the rocks she could see how angry the sea had gotten. She had to wonder what made the sea so displeased. Was it something she had done?  Maybe it was one of her sisters.... or pirates.....

        The sirens spoke tales of pirates. How it was harder to trick them with their songs. How callous and sadistic they can be, but she was sure they were just overreacting. Sure some of her sisters never came back when they had encountered them, but those who told the stories weren't there. They have no idea what could have happened to her missing sisters. She wouldn't..... couldn't believe that humans would harm her sisters. 

        Besides, it is not like they are guiltless. Her fellow mermaids lure men to their demise. Her sister sirens feasted upon their blood and flesh. They are just as, or much more of monsters then any human could be. At least that is what she hoped.

        The purple eyed mermaid came upon an underwater cave on the west side of the island. Her fellow mermaids and fellow sirens rest on the east side of the island. She knows she should go back to them, but she wasn't ready to face their anger just yet. So what if she spent some more time alone. Her peace was already distributed by the storm. She didn't want her sisters to ruin any more of it.

        The underwater cave was one that she had yet to explore. Her tribe of merfolk moved around a lot. They always came back to one island though. She never knew why, but that is where her treasures are located. All her forks and old bottles, she even has one of those fancy hats. 

        The entrance of the cave was unstable, it looked like it would fall apart at the slightest disturbance. The inside probably wasn't much better, and her first notion of the interior was proven right as she entered the cave. Uneven rocks made up the wall and the bottom of the small tunnel. She barely could fit though without cutting herself on the sharp rocks. 

        As she continues though the small and narrow tunnel, she sees all the little gems along the walls. They would make lovely additions to her collection, she would have to remember to come back to collect some of them. 

        The tunnel started to come to an end, it opened up to a much bigger room. The upper half had an air pocket that had turned into a cave. The storm from the outside world didn't reach here. This wouldn't be as nice as her rock outside but it will have to do.

        Going down to the bottom of the cavern, she found a moderately comfortable rock to continue to nap on. Laying her head done she started to drift off into the wonderful and tranquil realm of sleep. After an unknown amount of time passes, she again wakes up not of her own will but of another.

        "The others will be here any minute now, this can't go wrong. Do you understand me boy? So get off your ass and get back to work."  The voice that awoke her sounded angry and stressed, such as if the world was resting on her shoulders and more.

        "Y-Yes ma'am." The second voice she heard sounded like he was terrified. Whoever this lady was, she must be she a human queen? It certainly would be strange for one to be so far away from huge human populations but not unheard of....

        The young mermaid unable to resist her need to know swaim closer to the surface. She could almost make out the humans that were standing in the cave, but couldn't get a clear view of them due to the murky water. If she wants to get a real view of them she would need to poke her head out of the water. It was risky and stupid but the chance to actully see a human this close was just a opportunity she couldn't miss. 

        Lifting her head just a bit out of the water she could see bright red hair. The human woman was looking down at something. She couldn't really tell what it was but it seemed to be something important. Whatever the humans were doing it must be serious since she didn't see one person up there with a smile. They all either were emotless or had deep seated frowns  

        Against her better judgement she swims just a bit closer to the humans, they were just so interesting. One that especially stood out to her was what looked like a young boy, he was trying to tie some rope on a wooden beam but was too short to reach. He was jumping up and down but just couldn't do it. After a few minutes he gave up and went further in the cave. What seemed like only a few seconds he came back with a tall man who started to help him with the rope.

        The mermaid moved her eyes back to the red haired woman, which was now ordering some other people to move this and that or to go fetch something. It was all very entertaining to her and it also must be for them as well, seeing how no one noticed her. After a few more minutes of people watching the atmosphere suddenly grow grim. Every person stopped what they were doing and looked to the entrance of the cave. 

        The air was almost choking her with how tight it was, she saw that she wasn't the only one feeling that way. The young boy that was jumping up and down was now hiding behind the bigger human. Sensing the oncoming danger, she lowered her head so that only her eyes were peaking out. With bated breath, she waited for something to happen.  After what felt like hours she heard screaming, it was ear piercing and desperate.

        Four people entered the room, two men were dragging a blond man in front and after them came a man dressed in such finery that she was sure it would put kings to shame. His coat was as red as blood and he was covered in golden jewels. Even though he didn't know she existed she can't help but feel like he was watching her, like each shining rock was one of his eyes. She felt like the storm had just invaded and there was no swimming away from it.

        "Please no! I will do anything, just please don't!" The man that was being dragged in was pleading like his life depended on it. The two men let the blond man go at the woman's feet, while the man in the red coat went up next to her. He resembled the human captains that she would see now and again on the sea, he even had a hat like them.

        Going up to where the water hit the land, she was able to get a much closer look. It would also allow her to be able to hear better. The want to know what was happening was over powering all her rational thoughts. So much that she accidentally knocked over a bottle of brown liquid. At the noise she ducked her head under the water, she really hopes no one noticed that.



I am back! It has been a hot minute(definitely for this story.) Sorry for the wait, life got super busy and confusing and I just never got around to finish this chapter. So, what are you guy's thoughts so far? And more importantly(not really) would you, my lovely readers, like a discord? Comment down below your answer.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2021 ⏰

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