Too many dyes make Nico dense

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Hello everybody and thank you for being here! This is a much needed fluffy Solangelo soulmate AU that my friend and I came up with this summer. Took me a long time to write it, but it's finally here. Hope you enjoy it :)

Thank you so much to the LOML, my Abbie, my beta who always bares with me and my terrible puns and stories. I love you, baby

Too many dyes make Nico dense

Nico always prays the fates – who he extremely hates – that they didn't give him a soulmate. He should expect that it is all in vain. He has the worst luck, after all.

Nico meets Will for the first time when they are both seventeen and eager to start – scratch that, only Will is eager to attend NYU's open day. Nico walks across the main entrance dragging his feet with him because he has to. It is not fair of his father to force him to attend calling upon one of Bianca's wishes. But he does, so Nico wears his blackest clothes and takes the subway and reaches NYU's main campus. He is supposed to meet one of his cousins but no one is there. Three of them study at that university and not one has remembered to come fetch Nico.

The hall is big and nice, and a few people are hurrying through the room. He sees it too soon. Back at home, he has promised himself that he would have stayed just for a few minutes. Had he not seen the banner that reads 'Campus Tour' at one of the corners of the room, he would have left. But he sees it and, therefore, he has to drag himself towards it. Damn his father and his promise to make Bianca proud!

There's a girl there. Her skin is darker than his. It is not difficult to have darker skin than Nico anyways. He notices her because of her T-shirt. It is an oversized black T-shirt with a clear pink writing. Not many people know about his taste in music and, especially, no one would expect that he likes K-Pop and Blackpink, but he does. He does way too much, to the point he pushes himself out of his comfort zone because he absolutely has to tell the stranger that he loves her T-shirt.

He walks down to the girl with his hands in his jeans pockets and his head bowed down to avoid any type of unwanted eye contact. He stops when he sees a bright pair of pink Hello Kitty Converse. He looks up, and the girl with the black T-shirt is smiling at him, holding a folder with a few papers.

"Hello," she greets him merrily. "Have you signed up for the Campus Tour?" she asks him.

He hesitates. If he says no, he can go home and tell his father he arrived too late and it had started without him. But he has signed up. Jason had sat next to him and watched over his shoulder, just to make sure he really did, he said.

"Nico," he answers. "Ehm, Di Angelo," he adds.

"Angel? I see it," another voice says behind him. It is a boy's voice, a bit cheeky.

"Yeah, it's Italian," he responds without turning. The other doesn't say anything back.

The Blackpink girl sighs dramatically. "Are you one of those scared of love?"


"He was flirting!" she informs him, an exasperated expression on her face.

"Flirting?" he wonders. "With me?"

"Who else, if not you?" she asks him.

"I don't know," he replies. "Isn't it like cheating on his soulmate?" he asks her.

"Not everyone meets their soulmate, not everyone has a mark or bond, and not everyone wants their soulmate. And, most of all, not everyone waits until they meet them, sometimes people just don't–" the way she says 'don't' makes Nico wonder if there's more to that. "I believe in soulmates, but I believe you can have love even without, even before, even despite. Plus, have you ever considered that not all soulmates are romantic?" she asks him.

Too many dyes make Nico denseWhere stories live. Discover now