Chapter 1

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  The wind was blowing hard, biting at (M/n) nose and cheeks as he walked besides (f/n). It was about 10 at night during Halloween, and (f/n) had decided the best way to celebrate would be to walk through the creepy forest near her house and see what happens. 

  It wouldn't be too bad if it wasn't freezing, his 'Victorian' costume (f/n) forced on him not helping against it. A white baggy long sleeve shirt, tight black pants, and black combat boots were practically useless in the cold. 

  He had a belt satchel, but all he had thought to bring in it was his wallet, phone, charger, and earbuds as they were just going on a quick walk. Nothing to keep him warm unfortunately.

  (F/n) was doing fine, as she had gotten herself a thick poofy dress, leggings, and knee high boots that looked very warm. It certainly wasn't helping her travel in the forest though, as they had to slow down every time it got stuck on a branch.

  He blew out a sigh, watching his breath cloud in the cold before disappearing. He was starting to get a bad headache, which had started as a dull throb when they entered the forest. (F/n) was also complaining about pain and that nothing was happening so they should go.

  They agree to turn back and they slowly make their way from the path they came. A violent throb makes (m/n) gasp and almost drop to his knees, the pain agonizing. They try to hurry back but the pain increases until the two black out.


  (M/n) wasn't sure what was happening. His whole body hurt and he was having a hard time remembering anything. A dull murmur routes him, drawing him closer to consciousness until he can hear that it's people talking.

  "It's too early for such rude people to pop out of nowhere, yes it is. That girl has caused nothing but trouble since she woke up, I can't imagine what the two of them would be like together. We need to get them out before they disturb the Young Master anymore, we do." A feminine voice ranted, clearly displeased at the trouble the unannounced guests had caused.

  "I'm sure the Young Master will deal with them, though I'm more worried that they just were suddenly in the garden. I wonder how they were able to suddenly appear." A second voice said, this one sounded more like a young boy.

  Before the woman could speak again he heard the sound of a door opening. "Oh my, the Lady sure knows how to make trouble. How is our other guest fairing, has he shown any signs of waking yet." A new voice entered the room, a man with the same accent as the other's, though his voice was much more smooth.

  "Not at all Mr.Sebastian, he hasn't stirred a bit since he got here." The young boy's voice replied. (M/n) wasn't sure if it would be best to wake yet with strangers all around, but if (f/n) was who they were talking about then he couldn't just lay there.

  Slowly he tried to regain consciousness, though it was hard as his body barely seemed to want to respond to his whims. 

  Soon he was able to flutter his eyes though, earning a gasp from one of the people from earlier. He felt a hand brush against his forehead and cracked his eyes open to meet a pair of red ones looking down on him.

  The hand removed itself and the man leaned back, (m/n)'s gaze following to see the other two standing behind him, all three looked tense as they stared at the now awake boy.

  "It's nice to see that you've finally woken, sir.You and your friend were out for quite a while." The man with the red eyes spoke, a strained smile on his lips as though he was anticipating something from him. 

  The woman and boy also were looking at him as if he would assault them at any moment, it made him wonder what they were so tense about.

  Looking around he saw that he was In a very nice room, currently laying on a soft large bed that made him never want to sleep more. But he needed answers, and to find out where (f/n) was.

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