Chapter 3

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So I lied. Cole came and woke me up at 7:32 this morning. He knocked on my door and I got up and opened it.
"Why are you here this early? Why are you here at all?" I demand.
"Come on!" He says, "Today we're going to explore the island together. Let's open the curtains and go downstairs for breakfast."
He sounds so excited and I'd feel bad saying 'no', so I just say, "Fine, but I need to shower first." I get in the shower and try and clear my head. Why would Cole want to spend the day with me? It doesn't matter, because I'm probably going to be at this resort for a while, I could use a friend. After I get dressed and walk into the main room, I tell him that I would rather order room service than go out to eat. So we do. We sit in silence as we wait for our food to come. He suddenly asks me, "Why are you so quiet? And how-come you never smile?"
I am shocked by the questions and don't know how to respond. Instead I tell him, "I... uh... I'm not sure how to answer that."
Food service arrives and as we're getting ready to go to the beach, it starts to rain.
"Well great," I say, "what do we do now?"
"We could go to the spa?" He suggests.
We walk to the spa and I go into the changing room. I put on my black and white stripy swimsuit and tie my dark hair up. When I walk outside, he stares at me, it's weird, but whatever. I sit down in the warm bubbling water and we say nothing for about 10 minutes, Cole just stares at me the entire time. I'm getting uncomfortable at this point and have to call him out. "Cole," I begin, "why have you been staring at me for the past 10 minutes?"
"I have?!" He exclaims. "I-uh didn't realise I was doing that."
I genuinely laugh, which is something I haven't done in a while. I found someone who makes me laugh.
"I think we should get some lunch." He says.
I watch him as he gets up and walks out of the spa. I didn't realise that he looked like that. His sweet, cheerful personality is completely unfitting for his body, yet perfect at the same time. Wait, what am I talking about? I can't get attached to anyone here. I go back to the changing room and I put my clothes back on. I slap on my black hat with a white frowning face on it and slide on my choker. I tell Cole that I need to go back to my room.
"Ok, I'll walk you."
We walk back to the room and when I open the door, there he is, right there. Hugh.
"What are you doing in Leigh's room, Hugh?" Cole asks.

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